This is the documentation and example repository for the SpiffWorkflow BPMN workflow engine. Below is a brief outline on how to get started using this documentation - which in itself is designed as a tool for getting started with Spiffworkflow.
To interact with and extend this documentation you need:
As of writing, this documentation has not been tried on Windows
- this repository
- a supported version of Python 3 (as of the writing, that means >= 3.5) - Python 2 is not supported
- a virtual environment set up
Just use git clone to clone this repository
git clone
Python now includes virtualenv in the standard library.
cd SpiffExample
python3 -m venv venv
This will setup a Python3 virtual environment.
Enable the virualenv we just created.
my-prompt$ source ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) my-prompt$
Now that we have the Python virtual environment set up, let's get our requirements installed.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This should get us all of the tools we will need to run the examples - Any of the .py files should be able to be run in the SpiffExample main directory
(venv) my-prompt$ python
Where are you going? (Options: cabin, hotel, camping)? hotel
Do you like spam? yes
{'location': 'hotel', 'spam': 'yes'}
{'location': 'hotel', 'spam': 'yes'}