ETHz Deep Learning for Scientific Computing. In this project we reproduce the FFN, DeepONet, FNO, CNO, KNO, UNet on Heat/Wave/Poisson Equations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Neural Operators and Operator Networks vs Parametric Approach


The default configuration is inside the add_arguments function inside ``config.py`


  1. if you are using windows, install visual studio to default location
  2. download the ninja and add it to path

Look at how the equations evolve over tim

the command below will generate the evolution video from all equations under different parameters

python gen_video.py

the result is inside videos/ folder

generate your own configuration

by running the command below, it will generate folders of toml file based on the marco in config.py and the availability of GPU and the memory you passed.

python gen_config.py

run the trainig script

the training script is automatically restore from the last interrupt state, just run

python run_train.py

every time you are available. And there will be total of $90$ weights.

Moreover, we provide our training weight here in the release. You could download it and unzip to the weights folder.

run the plotting script

after you have the weights folder. You run the plotting script to plot the images to the images folder just run

python run_plot.py

(for developer) run all the training files

by running this command, it will run recursively all the configuration file under the config folder

python run_folder.py config

(for developer) run with single configuration file

the file and be toml/json/yaml file

you simply give it after the argument of run_file.py

for example, if you want to train the deeponet on heat equation

python run_file.py config/train/heat_d=1/deeponet.toml

(for developer) run with command line

for example, if you want to train the deeponet on heat equation

python main.py --task train --model deeponet --equation heat


  1. a standard feed forward neural network to approximate the function $g$

$$ g(x,y,\mu) = u(T, x, y, \mu) $$

  1. an operator network (DeepONet) or Neural Operator to approximate the operator $\mathcal G$

$$ \mathcal G(u_0)(x,y) = u(T,x,y) $$

We have the theoretical congruity and practical approximation

$$ g(x,y,\mu) = \mathcal G(u_0)(x,y) $$

and for each component

$$ g(x,y,\mu^{(j)}) = \mathcal G(u_0^{(j)})(x,y) $$


Heat Equation


PDE equation

$$ u(t,x_1,x_2) = \Delta u $$


$$ t \in [0,T],\quad(x_1,x_2)\in [-1,1]^2 $$

$$ \mu\sim Unif([-1,1]^d) $$

initial condition

$$ u(0,x_1,x_2,\mu) = -\frac{1}{d}\sum_{m=1}^d \mu_m sin(\pi m x_1)sin(\pi m x_2)/\sqrt m $$

boundary condition

$$ u(t, \pm 1, \pm 1) = 0 $$


$$ u(t,x_1,x_2,\mu) = -\frac{1}{d}\sum_{m=1}^d \frac{\mu_m}{\sqrt{m}} e^{-2m^2\pi^2t} sin(\pi m x_1)sin(\pi mx_2) $$

Wave Equation


PDE Equation

$$ u_{tt} - c^2 \Delta u = 0 (u_{tt} - c^2(u_{xx} + u_{yy})) \quad (x, y) \in [0, 1]^2, t \in [0, T], c = 0.1 $$

Initial Condition

$$u(0, x, y, a) = \frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{-r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy) \quad \forall x,y \in [0, 1]$$

$$ u(t, \pm 1, \pm 1) = 0$$


$$u(t, x, y, a) = \frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{-r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy) cos(c\pi t \sqrt{i^2 + j^2}), \forall x,y \in [0, 1]$$

Poisson Equation


PDE Equation

$$ -\Delta u = -(u_{xx} + u_{yy}) = f \quad (x, y) \in [0, 1]^2 $$

Boundary Condition

$$u\vert_{\partial D} = 0 $$


$$u(x, y) = \frac{1}{\pi\cdot K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{r-1} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy),\quad \forall (x,y) \in D$$

with respect to source function

$$f=\frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy),\quad \forall (x,y) \in D$$



$$ H^{l+1} = \sigma(W H^l + b) $$


$$ \tilde u( T, x_1, x_2, \mu )_{jd} = \mathcal B \left( [ y_1, y_2, u ( 0, y_1, y_2, \mu ) ] \right) _ { idh } \mathcal T ( [ T, x_1, x_2 ] ) _ { jdh } $$


$$ H^{l+1} = \sigma\left(Conv(H^l) + \mathcal F^{-1}\left(W(\mathcal F H^l)+b^l\right)\right) $$




$$ H^{l+1} = \mathcal F^{-1}\left(W(\mathcal F H)+b\right) $$

Code Structure

  • equations this is the directory to put all the equation conditions if you want to add new equation, you should do

    1. add a equation .py file here, and implement your equation as others
    2. import it from equations\__init__.py, and add the entrance to the lookup table
    3. change the equation choices in the config.py
  • models this is the directory to put all the deep neural networks if you want to add new model, first you need to think about which type of trainer it should use. If none of the trainer satisfy your needs, you need to implement your own trainer and do the routing in main.py and run_file.py. If you want to add the a model using mesh neural operator trainer, here are some steps.

    1. add a model .py file here, and implement your model as other
    2. import it from models\__init__.py, and add the entrance to the lookup table
    3. change the model choices in the config.py
  • trainer this is the directory to put three kinds of trainer, they are

    • ffn trainer, which takes the form as $g(x,y,\mu ) = u(T, x, y, \mu )$.

    • DeepONet trainer, which takes the form as $G(u0)(x1,x2)$.

    • mesh neural operator trainer, which takes the form as $G(u0,x1,x2)$. They can only tackle the mesh sampling input

  • videos this is a folder automatically generated by gen_video.py

  • images this is a folder automatically generated by the code. It's used to save the image result.

  • weights this is a folder automatically generated by the code or download from our release weights. It's used to save the weight of the model, normalizer and dataset generator.

  • config this is folder to put all the configuration files (toml/json/yaml). It's generated by gen_config.py.

  • config.py this is the python script to process the configuration from command line, file and key-word arguments.

  • main.py this is the command line configuration running entrance.

  • gen_config.py this will generate configuration files to the configfolder

  • gen_video.py this will generate equation evolution video to the videos folder

  • run_file.py this is the file configuration running entrace.

  • run_folder.py this is the folder configuration running entrace.

  • run_train.py this will run all the training configuration under config folder

  • run_plot.py this will run all the predict and varying configuration under config folder


Heat Equation



Wave Equation



Poisson Equation





  1. CNO paper and code difference
  2. more equations similar to CNO paper, make it similar to the task assignment considering $d$
    • Wave Equation
    • Poisson Equation
    • Navier Stokes?
    • Transport Equation?
  3. NN implementation correction
    1. make everyone knows how it works
    2. new neural operator?
    3. formula expression
    4. arguments control
  4. result display
    1. what content we should display
      1. $d$ - error for different model distribution
      2. parameter sensitivity, parameter(sample density/sample engine) - error (customize)
      3. NN architecture
      4. NN prediction - error
    2. seperate them into groups
  5. possible our new operator?


  1. CNO smaller
  2. every body run folder
    1. run folder
    2. share weight and run train
  3. discuss about the paper
    1. result part
    2. abstract, introduction and conclusion
    3. put some part to appendix (4 page at most)


  1. CNO bad result
    1. potential bug
    2. different setup from the paper
  2. two versions of overleaf project
    1. first version finished
    2. second version for varying spatial