get_estimates show_call is not displaying
rdev-kb opened this issue · 2 comments
rdev-kb commented
I am unable to see the API call when show_call=TRUE in get_estimates. I am running tidycensus 1.6.3 and R 4.4.0. For example:
get_estimates(geography = c("state"), product = "characteristics",
breakdown = c("SEX", "AGEGROUP"), breakdown_labels = TRUE,
vintage =2022, year=2022, show_call = TRUE) %>%
walkerke commented
The issue there is that you aren't actually making an API call. The Population Estimates are no longer available via API, so tidycensus instead downloads the flat files and parses them for you. I'll deprecate this argument for the function for recent years, as it's unlikely that PEP will be re-added to the API.
rdev-kb commented
Thank you very much!