Load US Census boundary and attribute data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-ready data frames in R
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2023 PUMS return_vacant error
#597 opened by ssiebachglover - 9
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get_decennial: geometry data download failed.
#595 opened by jbuttle63 - 2
`rep_weights` failing for 2023 ACS PUMS
#589 opened by walkerke - 0
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Possible rounding issue in tidycensus micro data in the wage and earning variables.
#593 opened by markbauby - 1
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Unhandled case in `acs_state` when `length(vars_rest)==0`
#590 opened by warnes - 0
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'autocensus.geography' is not a package
#586 opened by wenya-shen - 0
Plans to add ACS datasets that allow breakdown by pop group? Selected population profiles (spp), selected population detailed tables (spt), and selected population data profiles (sptprofile)
#585 opened by gbabiarz - 0
CBSA and CSA shape files do not exists for 2022 -- Need an error message staying that
#570 opened by kaseyzapatka - 1
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get_decennial(): GEOCOMP: inconsistent behavior
#577 opened by rcragun - 2
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Finding ZCTA variables
#584 opened by anderelm - 0
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get_estimates show_call is not displaying
#578 opened by rdev-kb - 1
decennial 1990 not available?
#576 opened by hussaifm - 2
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DP04 Missing DP04_0005P Variable
#574 opened by colinc1994 - 2
Pulling from multiple source tables with `get_acs()` causes erroneous NAs
#565 opened by jacksonvoelkel - 1
Error in get_decennial: API returning unknown variable error for variable returned from call to load_variables
#575 opened by sebastianrowan - 2
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`tidycensus::get_acs()` does not have the limitations that `tigris::zctas()` does for specifying `state` for a given `year`
#564 opened by gah-bo - 2
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Bug with get_estimates and 2021 vintage data
#544 opened by nmmarquez - 2
rate_sleep() error
#562 opened by taylor-maps - 2
Failed with error: ‘lazy-load database 'C:/R/win-library/4.0/tidycensus/data/Rdata.rdb' is corrupt’
#561 opened by doh-FXX0303 - 4
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geography column empty for load_variables() for 2022 ACS 5-year estimate variables
#559 opened by profLuna - 4
get_pums and/or Census API issue
#556 opened by crb61 - 0
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Clarify replicate weights method for pums data
#552 opened by apeterson91 - 2
"HISP" breakdown labels in `get_estimates(geography = "state")` return miscoded
#554 opened by soubhikbarari - 3
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"dp" dataset not working
#551 opened by phcantis - 1
get_acs() - Is there a limit of ZCTAs one can pass for the zcta argument given geography="zcta"?
#550 opened by gah-bo - 0
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Question: ACS 2018-2022
#547 opened by jnigrineFlint - 2
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