# HelloHttp Development Environment This repository contains a Vagrant configuration for setting up a development environment for the HelloHttp web app. ## Requirements - [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) - [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) ## Getting Started 1. Clone the HelloHttp repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/drines-uc/hello-http.git ``` 2. Change into the development environment directory: ```bash cd hello-http-dev-env ``` 3. Start the Vagrant virtual machine: ```bash vagrant up ``` 4. Access the virtual machine: ```bash vagrant ssh ``` ## Development Workflow - The code can be edited on the host machine and synced with the virtual machine through the `/vagrant` directory. - Build the HelloHttp app inside the virtual machine: ```bash gcc -o /vagrant/dummyserv /vagrant/dummy_serv.c ``` - Run the HelloHttp app inside the virtual machine (default port is 8080): ```bash /vagrant/dummyserv 8080 ``` ## Accessing the App Once the app is running inside the virtual machine, it can be accessed from the host machine at http://localhost:12344. # testing-vagrant