My configuration files and notes to myself for setting up new machines.
These files and directories contain sensitive information and should be copied over manually:
This file, if present, contains machine-specific configuration:
- Install GNU Stow
- Run
The home
directory contains all the config files I want on every machine. The
and mac/home
directories contain config files specific to the
relevant platform. The Makefile uses Stow to symlink all of these files into
the system $HOME directory.
If a directory doesn't already exist in $HOME, Stow will link the whole
directory into this repository. However, that's sometimes undesirable, such as
when the contents of a directory come from multiple Stow locations or when the
directory will also contain things that we don't want under version control
(e.g. stack
). The Makefile ensures that these directories are already created
so that Stow will only link the relevant contents into them, rather than
linking the directory itself.
By default, Stow ignores .gitignore
files. There's not a convenient way to
override this, so the Makefile just manually symlinks that file into $HOME
from the special
Install Alacritty and tmux using the relevant package manager.
Install the Tmux Plugin Manager:
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Install plugins within tmux with Ctrl-t I
Plugins are managed by lazy.nvim. The plugin manager and all plugins should be automatically installed when launching nvim for the first time.
Run :Lazy
from within nvim for the UI to update plugins as needed.
Plugins are managed by the built-in package manager and will install automatically on the first launch. Things are usually weird after this, so reboot Emacs after the installs are done.
Run M-x package-list-packages
then U x
to update installed packages.
Install ghcup. Select the following options:
- Don't update path.
- Install HLS for LSP support.
- Enable better integration with
Install rustup. Customize the installation to not update the PATH since my profile already does that.
Install rust-analyzer
for LSP support:
rustup component add rust-analyzer
rustup component add rust-src
Install Coursier.
Select the following options:
- Don't update path.
- Don't add
These are done in a more generic way already in profile.d/
but will
need to be ported to other platforms, if needed.
Install lua-language-server
for LSP support.
Add the RPM Fusion repositories.
Install TeX-Live directly since Fedora's packaged version omits some non-free bits.
- Install non-free LaTeX fonts:
wget sudo env "PATH=$PATH" texlua install-getnonfreefonts sudo env "PATH=$PATH" getnonfreefonts --sys --all sudo cp $(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFSYSVAR)/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf sudo fc-cache -fsv
- Install non-free LaTeX fonts:
Install Homebrew.
Install updated bash and follow instructions to make it the default shell:
brew install bash
Install bash completion framework for updated bash (do this early or you'll have to reinstall other packages) and follow instructions to set it up:
brew install bash-completion@2
Install fonts:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts brew install font-liberation font-liberation-nerd-font brew install font-fira-code font-fira-code-nerd-font brew install font-inconsolata font-inconsolata-nerd-font
Install core tools:
brew install firefox alacritty tmux neovim git github keepassxc dropbox
Install and start skhd:
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd brew services start skhd
Install MacTeX:
brew install mactex
There's a custom PowerShell prompt in windows
and some WSL-specific stuff in
. Install these manually, if needed.