
Tutorials for onboarding of the GNN Tracking project

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Changes to the orignal Tutorials

  1. This repository is working to make the TrackML dataset from Kaggle compatiable with these tutotrial.
  2. Currently tutorial 1 has passed.
  3. Please also using this repository of gnn_tracking

GNN Tracking Tutorials

pre-commit.ci status link checker gitmoji License Black PR welcome

📝 Description

Tutorials and onboarding for the GNN Tracking project

📦 Installation

  1. Follow the instructions from the main library to set up the conda environment and install the package.

  2. Run pytest on the main package

  3. Download the trackml dataset (see note below). Note that the full dataset is linked in "Dataset description and other files" in the "Participate" tab (O(100GB) of data). The data files of the "Starting Kit"/"Public Data" are only a tiny fraction of this.

Note The website competitions.codalab.org does no longer accept new registrations (needed to access the data set). If you do not already have an account there, contact us for the dataset.

🧰 Development setup

pip3 install pre-commit
pre-commit install
nbdime config-git enable