
Setting up React/Redux/React-router for ES2015+ with Webpack-dev-middleware and Babel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Setting up React/Redux/React-router for ES2015+ with Webpack-dev-middleware and Babel.


  • nodejs ^6.2.0
  • expressjs ^4.x

Getting Start

$ npm install
  • Development env

    $ gulp
  • Production env

    $ pm2 start pm2.json

Developer tools

1. webpack

We use webpack-dev-middleware + webpack-hot-middleware modules to support multiple modes to automatic refresh the page and update modules as “Hot Module Replacement” (HMR)

2. nodemon

Restart server automaticly.

3. gulp

Start the server and compiles react + redux + es2015 in development environment.

4. pm2

Start the server in production environment

Build System


Default webpack configuration can be found in ~/server/config/ Here you'll be able to redefine your src and dist directories.adjust compilation settings, tweak your vendor dependencies, and more.

  • webpack.dev.config.js is the webpack configuration file in development environment. Uses to compile modules as HMR mode in memory.

  • webpack.config.js is the webpack configuration file output the compiled files which will be used in production environment.

  • Building for production env

    $ gulp build


Run gulp

$ gulp

and then:

  • go to localhost:1234/todo to take a look at the react+redux example

  • go to localhost:1234/react-router to take a look at the react-router example