
Potentially useful stuff which isn't suitable for gists

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a repo of potentially useful stuff which isn't suitable for gists. It's all released under MIT licence.


An OpenOffice/LibreOffice sheet for calculating the DX earnings potential of a Blocknet servicenode. It uses LOC-extension to get the current BLOCK price in cell B3. If you don't want to use the extension simply overwrite the cell contents with the current or imagined price. Other cells which determine the expected earnings calculation are highlighted in yellow. The 2 most important are

  • B15 - the imagined number of servicenodes (you can see the actual number at BlocknetMonitor.
  • B16 - the percentage of maximum possible BlockDX utilisation.

There are 3 modelling scenarios, each with one or two inputs which you can play with as you like.

The sheet makes no attempt to factor in (potential) earnings from XRouter/XCloud services or staking rewards; it's all about the trades on BlockDX.

And it's all highly speculative but also interesting/amusing depending on your perspective.


If you find any of it useful I'm happy to accept donations at

Coin Address
BLOCK BYn1xE3Ask555s8YPxQeskdoroGqYbBwud