
Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Plug me to your RESTFul API to get a complete administration tool (CRUD, multi-model relationships, dashboard, complex form widgets) in no time!


Check out the online demo (source).


Grab ng-admin from your favorite package manager, npm or bower:

npm install ng-admin --save
# or
bower install ng-admin --save

Add the ng-admin.min.css and ng-admin.min.js to the HTML, add a <div ui-view>, and configure the admin:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>My First Admin</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.css">
  <body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ui-view></div>
    <script src="node_modules/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);
    myApp.config(['NgAdminConfigurationProvider', function(NgAdminConfigurationProvider) {
        var nga = NgAdminConfigurationProvider;
        // create an admin application
        var admin = nga.application('My First Admin');
        // more configuation here later
        // ...
        // attach the admin application to the DOM and run it

Getting Started

See the Getting Started dedicated chapter for a step-by-step tutorial aimed at beginners.

Usage Examples

  • You can find a simple configuration in the blog admin demo (source), where the entities are posts, comments, and tags. The remote REST API uses fake data, and is reset every hour.
  • The Posters Galore demo (source) is a more complete example of an e-commerce administration, with custom authentication, pages, directives and modules, all well organized via WebPack. The remote REST API is simulated in the browser, using FakeRest.

Configuration Reference

An administration in ng-admin is made of one application containing several entities. Each entity has up to 5 views, and each view has many fields.


See Configuration API Reference dedicated chapter for more details.

Tip: You won't find the related classes in the ng-admin project. In fact, the admin configuration API exists as a standalone, framework-agnostic library, called admin-config. Don't hesitate to browse the source of that library to learn more.


ng-admin manages dependencies between entities when you use some special field types.

  • Use the reference field type to display and edit many-to-one relationships (e.g. the author for a post)
  • Use the referenced_list field type to display one-to-many relationships (e.g. the posts of an author)
  • Use the reference_many field type to edit one to many relationships (e.g. the posts of an author)

See the Fields section of the Configuration API Reference chapter for more details.

Menu Configuration

By default, ng-admin creates a sidebar menu with one entry per entity. If you want to customize this sidebar (labels, icons, order, adding submenus, etc), you have to define menus manually.

See Menus Configuration dedicated chapter.

Dashboard Configuration

The home page of a ng-admin application is called the Dashboard. Use it to show important pieces of information to the end user, such as latest entries, or charts.

See Dashboard Configuration dedicated chapter.

Customizing the API Mapping

All HTTP requests made by ng-admin to your REST API are carried out by Restangular, which is like $resource on steroids.

The REST specification doesn't provide enough detail to cover all requirements of an administration GUI. ng-admin makes some assumptions about how your API is designed. All of these assumptions can be overridden by way of Restangular's request and response interceptors.

That means you don't need to adapt your API to ng-admin; ng-admin can adapt to any REST API, thanks to the flexibility of Restangular.

See the Customizing the API Mapping dedicated chapter.


You can override pretty much all the HTML generated by ng-admin, at different levels.

See the Theming dedicated chapter.

Adding Custom Pages

For each entity, ng-admin creates the necessary pages for Creating, Retrieving, Updating, and Deleting (CRUD) this entity. When you need to achieve more specific actions on an entity, you have to add a custom page - for instance a page asking for an email address to send a message to. How can you route to a specific page and display it in the ng-admin layout?

See the Adding Custom Pages dedicated chapter.

Adding Custom Types

When you map a field between a REST API response and ng-admin, you give it a type. This type determines how the data is displayed and edited. It is very easy to customize existing ng-admin types and add new ones.

See the Adding Custom Types dedicated chapter.

Getting Ready For Production

To build the ng-admin source with the dependencies you need, and to get hints about performance boosters, head to the Getting Ready For Production dedicated chapter.


Follow the marmelab blog for news about ng-admin (tutorials, plugins, new releases, etc).

You should also watch the ng-admin release page on GitHub for announcements on new releases, and complete changelog.


Ng-admin is an open-source project, with a community getting larger every day. You will get help by asking politely in any the following channels:

Please give as much context as possible, including and admin configuration snippet, and the response from the API you're mapping.


Your feedback about the usage of ng-admin in your specific context is valuable, don't hesitate to open GitHub Issues for any problem or question you may have.

All contributions are welcome: please send us a Pull Request for any new feature / bug fix in your fork that you consider worth giving back.

Also, if you have some experience with ng-admin, please answer questions from newcomers in any of the support channels (see above).

Installing Dependencies

Install npm dependencies (for tests) by calling the install target:

make install

Running the example app

To test your changes, run the example app, which is bundled with a sample REST api, by calling:

make run

Then, connect to http://localhost:8000/ to browse the admin app. This task uses webpack-dev-server, which means that the browser will reload the page as soon as one file in the source is updated. This makes the blog app our preferred live testing environment.


ng-admin has unit tests (powered by karma) and end to end tests (powered by protractor). Launch the entire tests suite by calling:

make test

Tip: If you are working on Karma tests, you can prevent from relaunching the whole process by disabling single-run:

KARMA_SINGLE_RUN=false ./node_modules/.bin/grunt karma:unit


Before releasing a new version, concatenate and minify the JS and CSS sources into minified scripts with:

make build
git add build
git commit -m 'update built files'
git push origin master
git tag vx.x.x
# publish to bower
git push origin --tags
# publish to npm
npm publish

Tip: Don't commit built files in Pull Requests, it forces rebases on other PRs. The core team will take care of regularily updating these built files.


ng-admin is licensed under the MIT Licence, and sponsored by marmelab.