
:movie_camera: Streaming the source to hls

Primary LanguageShell


IPTVStreaming is a hls streaming tool, which can be used to stream video source to hls file.

  • Streaming the source to hls
  • Control the streaming by service


IPTVStreaming is available on GitHub, you can clone and install it as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/AlexanderJLiu/IPTVStreaming.git
$ cd IPTVStreaming
$ ./install.sh

After installation, you may see these file in /usr/local/IPTVStreaming folder:

  • iptvstreaming, is a control program;
  • cfg/iptvstreaming.cfg, which is IPTVStreaming's main configuration file;
  • daemon/iptvstreamingd, is used to check the status of all streams every 30 seconds;
  • lib/functions, is main function library used by IPTVStreaming;
  • lib/xmlParser.py, is used to parse xml file


  • if your server is Ubuntu operating system, please change the default shell environment dash to bash using command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
  • you must make sure the server's hostname is same as the information stored in database:
    • CentOS 6,5: vim /etc/sysconfig/network, add or modify HOSTNAME=name
    • CentOS 7: vim /etc/hostname, modify hostname directly
    • Ubuntu: vim /etc/hostname, modify hostname directly
  • you cn modify the installation path which is /usr/local/IPTVStreaming by default in install.sh
  • you can get stream information(name,source) from database or xml file by set streamOrigin in cfg/iptvagent.cfg and cached is used to cache the information retrieved from database
  • if you set streamOrigin=xml,you should provide a streams.xml file and put it to xml path configured in iptvstreaming.cfg file, xml file format as follows:
  • you can also modify the hls path, log path and pid path, which will be created when iptvstreaming start
  • set check interval whatever you want


/usr/local/IPTVStreaming start|stop|restart|status