Quality Gate Status Build Status

ScrayPay Challenge

Up Project

First of all, have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.

After the above process. Enter the root of the project and start the containers with the docker-compose up command.

Accessing the project

To access, enter the address bar with this url: http://localhost:4000, however you must make sure that the port (4000) is not being used.

Api's públicas

EndPoints Tipo Descrição
/ get heathcheck route
/clinic get returns a clinic based on the parameters

Examples - Curl


returns all clinics with status equal to: FL:

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:4000/clinic?state[]=FL \  
  -H 'cache-Control: no-cache'   

returns all clinics based in any parameters:

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:4000/clinic?state[]=FL&state[]=Florida&from=09:00&to=20:00&name=Mayo%20Clinic \  
  -H 'cache-Control: no-cache'


Any questions please contact wallace.sf87@gmail.com or feel free to create an issue or a pull request.

Just Do it!