A script that will send an email notification when BTRFS and or RAID scrubs are active showing the current status
- 007revadAustralia
- 3Domse3Germany
- almostacoder
- Banjer
- bauzer714
- BudgieBird
- bunubbvJemulpo High School
- Cyph3r
- Histalek
- jayanty
- jensvanbellenAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- KonradMazurMAZUR.ʟᴇɢᴀʟ
- L1nKincBayreuth, Germany
- lordvandal
- me-2-you
- michealespinolaLas Vegas, NV
- micheledicosmoSensay.io / Independent
- nasbeginner
- pchristod
- rysk-de
- seanclancy
- SeanSosikHamorHamor Photography
- SMylk
- thlor
- trevordavies095Rochester, New York
- wallacebrf
- Zorono@BrownTurbo