Java Lazybones Templates

This templates helps you to create portable Java projects.

We recommend you to use Ubuntu to the correctly use of this templates.

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Software installation

In order to generate a Java project from one of this templates you need to install the following softwares:

  • Git - Version Control System
  • SDKMAN - Software Development Kit Manager
  • Docker - Container provider
  • Tsuru - Platform as a Service (Paas)

Open your terminal and type the command below:

sdk install java
sdk install maven
sdk install gradle
sdk install lazybones

Lazybones allows you to create a new project structure for any framework or library for which the tool has a template.

If you want more information about lazybones project check it out here and here

1.2 Create pgadmin4 folder

This project use containers provided by Docker.

In order to create a container for Pgadmin4, you need to create a folder in your host directory as Pgadmin4 volume folder.

Create in your home directory (/$HOME/), creates a folder called pgadmin4 and, in terminal, add permission running the following command:

mkdir -p $HOME/pgadmin4
sudo chmod 777 /$HOME/pgadmin4

1.3 Configure Gradle proxy

Note: If you are behind a HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, you will need to create a file called in the /$HOME/.gradle directory, add the file the following properties:


1.4 Create Java projects directory

Open the terminal and execute the commands below:

mkdir -p $HOME/Projects/Java

1.5 Cloning java-templates repository

Open the terminal and execute the commands below:

cd $HOME/Projects/Java
git clone

1.6 Installing the templates

Open the terminal and execute the commands below:

cd $HOME/Projects/Java/java-templates
./gradlew installAllTemplates

To see if the templates were installed:

lazybones list --cache

1.7 Configuring Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

If you want to use Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) follow the instructions bellow to configure the Editor.

Create a file called settings.json and add the following properties:

    "explorer.confirmDelete": false,
    "editor.tabSize": 2,
    "editor.tabCompletion": true,
    "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
    "files.autoSaveDelay": 5000,
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "all"

You could also use the following plugins:

2. Creating projects by templates

We have 2 (two) templates that you can choose and create your project from them: spring-boot-web and spring-boot-web-tsuru.

spring-boot-web template will generate a Spring boot Java project configured with:

- Gradle
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Logback
- Docker
- FlywayDB
- PostgreSQL connection database
- Guava
- Spring Actuator
- Swagger

2.1 Creating a Spring Boot Web project

To create a spring-boot-web project follow the instructions of this link.