It's a Free, Open Source and Simple implementation of a Intranet to companies.
- Configure this README
- Add sections:
- How to Install,
- Configure,
- License
- Others
- Add sections:
- Add custom widgets to Django Admin Template
- Items to Analysis and Add (Ideas):
- Jobs
- News
- Events
- Polls
- Wiki
- User Profile (with customizations)
- Notifications (from company to users) (send email?)
- Challenges (if companies has)
- Show on Dashboard:
- Button to External Sites and Tools (Slack, Ahgora, ...)
- Last Challenges
- Next Birthdays
- Nexts Events
- List of Open Jobs
- Polls
- Create external link to jobs
- Guests can apply to Jobs
- Generate this links with affiliate to users (users win points or money, jobs applied)
- Create api endpoints to apps
- This can used by frontend to create a custom dashboard
- Create simples tests end to end to this endpoints