
Simple gallery system for your website. Turns Flickr into a basic CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Display Flickr Photos on Your Website w/ JavaScript

Very minimal editing is needed. Visit flickrGrab.js after installing

  1. Input your flickr api key (it is free and quick to get: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/)
  2. Vist your flickr profile and grab your user id from the url (ex: 190426555@N04)
  3. Click on albums, click on the album you want to display on your site, and grab the id from the url (ex: 72157716282751983)

That is it! Save and go vist your new website gallery!

(PS: You can also choose the size of the pictures you grab from flickr in the flickrGrab.js file. More info is in that file.)