
How to run frontend(React.js)

  • cd ./bank-accounts-viewer
  • npm install
  • npm start

How to run backend(Java Spring Boot)

  • cd ./banking-app-cli
  • mvn spring-boot:run

Two ways to check if this code works: PostMan or the automated tests in tests that the Banking API works correctly from a user's perspective. Each test case is written as a user story to illustrate how users interact with the system.

User Stories

  1. Guest User Registration Story: As a guest, I want to register a new user account so that I can start using the banking services. Test Method: guest_can_register_a_new_user_account_and_get_back_a_user_object_json()

  2. Guest User Login and Account Creation Story: As a guest, I want to log in and create a new bank account so that I can start managing my finances. Test Method: guest_can_login_and_create_a_new_bank_account_and_get_back_bank_account_json()

  3. Deposit Money into Account Story: As a logged-in user, I want to deposit money into my bank account so that I can increase my account balance. Test Method: logged_in_user_can_deposit_money_into_the_account_and_get_back_bank_account_json()

  4. Update User Information Story: As a logged-in user, I want to update my user information (name, phone, email, etc.) so that my account details are current. Test Method: logged_in_user_can_change_user_information_and_get_back_user_object_json()

  5. Delete Bank Account with Zero Balance Story: As a logged-in user, I want to delete my bank account that has a zero balance so that I can close the account. Test Method: logged_in_user_can_delete_a_bank_account_with_a_zero_balance_and_get_back_a_message_json()

  6. Transfer Money Between Accounts Story: As a logged-in user, I want to transfer money between my accounts so that I can manage my funds effectively. Test Method: logged_in_user_can_transfer_money_between_accounts_and_get_back_bank_account_json()

  7. Admin View All Users, Accounts, and Transactions Story: As an admin, I want to view all users, accounts, and transactions so that I can manage the banking system effectively. Test Method: admin_can_view_all_users_accounts_and_transactions_and_get_back_list_json()