
It's a jQuery plugin using openweathermap json api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It's a customizable jQuery plugin to show weather using OpenWeatherMap json api.


Include jQuery and the plugin. include an html5 data-* attribute in your div with coordinates or city name

<div id="weather1" class="simpleopenweather" data-simpleopenweather-city="alcoy, alicante"></div>
<div id="weather2" class="simpleopenweather" data-simpleopenweather-coord="38.701052,-0.464172"></div>

Let the magic happen

$(document).ready(function() {

or group them

<div id="weather1" class="simpleopenweather spain" data-simpleopenweather-city="alcoy, alicante"></div>
<div id="weather2" class="simpleopenweather spain" data-simpleopenweather-city="madrid"></div>

Let the magic happen

$(document).ready(function() {

Your can also write your own template (error and noweather are also available to override) using placeholders: {{temperature[.current]}}: temperature (units can be selected, imperial by default)

{{temperature.max}}: maximum temperature (units can be selected, imperial by default)

{{temperature.min}}: minimum temperature (units can be selected, imperial by default)

{{place}}: name of the city or station id and coordinates

{{humidity}}: humidity %

{{cloudiness}}: cloudiness %

{{pressure}}: atmospheric pressure in kPa

{{wind.speed}}: wind speed in m/s

{{wind.direction}}: wind direction in degrees

{{sky}}: human readable weather report (for example "few clouds")

{{icon}}: icon representing the weather from openweathermap.org (iconset is customizable! check the examples index.html file)

$(document).ready(function() {
	$("#weather1").simpleopenweather({template: '<span>Temp: {{temperature}} ºC </span>', error: '<p>error</p>', noweather: '<p> there is not any weather station arround</p>', units: 'metric', lang: 'en', iconset: './iconset_demo/'});

For further information check the examples file


  • Improve documentation
  • Logic to hook right before the placeholder substitution allowing data manipulation (example: change pressure units)
  • Add forecasts


Plugin created by Christian Córdoba licensed under CC BY-SA. Data from www.openweathermap.org api.