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Weel Translate X (V3.0)

Material Design Style Translation Extension for Languages.


all captured in production mode.

translation view in popup translation view in popup test translating translation view in chinese select languages preferences view in popup popup drawer popup drawer popup drawer popup drawer

Get Started


Now this project still in develping, every progresses all in develop branch.

Build For AMO (Firefox)

  1. run yarn install to install nessary dependencies
  2. run yarn pack:amo to build extension for publishing
  3. ouput files: dist/firefox/**/*
  4. zip format extension file: web-ext-artifacts/amo/weel_translate_x-[3.x.x].zip

Build For Firefox Testing

This case will use @translate-weel-x id that defined in mainfest.json, but build for AMO will be set @translate-weel id automatically.

  1. run yarn install
  2. run yarn pack:firefox
  3. output files same with above
  4. zip file: web-ext-artifacts/weel_translate_x-[3.x.x].zip
  5. visit about:debugging#addons and click Load Temporary Add-on to select the zip file or [output]/manifest.json

Dev & Debug In "web" Mode

  1. clone this repo's develop branch to local
  2. run yarn install or npm install in project's root directory
  3. run yarn serve or npm run serve start a development serve for web debug
  4. visit http://localhost::8080/popup/main.html and could press F12 open web console then triggle mobile mode
  5. done, but install "cors" ignore extension for avoiding CORS Error from translation source.

Main Features List

  • Support base translation (out of the box)
  • Main translation in popup page (Browser Action)
  • Float translation panel in web page (Content Script)
  • Easy frontend settings
  • Base customizable components (in frontend settings)
  • Advance preset templates costom support (in options page)
  • Support web infomation crawler (for sources that no api)
  • Support translating histories & picks
  • Custimizable styles
  • Multiple UI languages support (Already: en, zh-cn)

Advance Features (not completed yet)

Custom Translation Source Presets

For the situation when some tranaltion source services changed their things, but still could contine using without updating this extension.

Source Interface

declare type presetId = string;

declare interface Preset {
  // translation source's id, only accpet en words
  // and "_" as separator
  readonly id: presetId;
  // extends a full preset, by source's id
  // must be set in children preset
  readonly extends?: presetId;

  [index: string]: any;

declare type sourceId = presetId;

declare interface SourcePreset extends Preset {
  readonly id: sourceId;

  readonly extends?: sourceId;

  // display name
  readonly name?: string;

  // query.<type>.url can override this
  url: string;

  // request method
  method?: 'get' | 'post' | string;

  // translation request
  // if false, use xhr or fetch by "url" and
  // parser's selectors as Dom selector
  query: {
    text: TextQuery;
    audio?: AudioQuery;
  } | false;

  // parse response result
  // must be set in parent preset, optional in children
  // preset which has extends
  parser: { [name: string]: selector; };

  // test parser's item whether got vaild result or not
  // use string as RegExp param: '\\w\\W+'  
  // use custom placeholder repeat default: ['.+', 'Not Existed']
  test?: { [name: string]: string | [string, string]; };

  // support ['auto:>AUTO', 'zh-cn:>zh-CHS', ...]
  // or [['auto', 'AUTO'], ['zh-cn', 'zh-CHS'], ...]
  // or [[{ code: 'auto' }, { code: 'AUTO' }], ...]
  modify?: string[] |
    Array<Language['code'][]> |
      { code: Language['code'], name?: Language['name'], locale?: Language['locale'] },
      { code?: Language['code'], name?: Language['name'], locale?: Language['locale'] }

  // initial translating direction
  fromto: [Language['code'], Language['code']];

  // just include necessary languages
  // if not exist, load all of languages
  include?: Array<Language['code']>;

  // invalid when "include" is set
  // if exist, exclude from all languages
  exclude?: Array<Language['code']>;

  // custom all languages that your preset needs
  languages?: Array<Language>;

declare interface Language {
  readonly code: string; // standard language code
  readonly name: string; // show when has not "locale"
  readonly locale?: string; // for i18n translation

declare type queryParams = string | { [param: string]: string | string[]; } | string[][];
declare interface TextQuery {
  method: 'get' | 'post' | string;
  url: string;
  params?: queryParams;
  unsupport?: Language['code'][];

declare interface AudioQuery extends TextQuery {
  // Feature: not implement
  tune?: {
    volume: number; // float number, minimum: 0 ~ maximum: 1

// object index such as "a.b.c" or Dom selecotr
declare type selector = string | string[] | undefined;

Source Example

  "id": "google_com",
  "name": "Google",
  "url": "https://translate.google.com",
  "query": {
    "text": {
      "method": "get",
      "url": "{url}/translate_a/single",
      "params": {
        "q": "{q}",
        "sl": "{from}",
        "tl": "{to}",
        "hl": "{to}",
        "client": "gtx",
        "ie": "UTF-8",
        "oe": "UTF-8",
        "dt": ["bd", "rm", "t"],
        "dj": "1",
        "source": "icon"
    "audio": {
      "unsupport": ["auto"],
      "method": "get",
      "url": "{url}/translate_tts",
      "params": {
        "q": "{q}",
        "tl": "{from}",
        "client": "gtx",
        "ie": "UTF-8"
  "parser": {
    "phonetic_src": "sentences.-0.src_translit",
    "phonetic_dest": "sentences.-0.translit",
    "translation": "$.sentences[0,-1]{trans}<\n>",
    "explain": "dict.0.pos/: /dict.0.terms<, >"
  "test": {
    "phonetic_src": ".+",
    "phonetic_dest": ".+",
    "translation": ".+",
    "explain": ".+\\:\\s.+"
  "fromto": ["auto", "auto"]

Add Web Crawler

For fast getting more other infomation or using some translation source without standard api service.

Crawler Interface

Crawler Example

Add Template Layout

For customizing how response results are showed.

Layout Interface

declare type templateId = presetId;

declare interface LayoutPreset extends Preset {
  id: templateId;
  extends?: templateId;

  // layout
  rows: string[][];

  // check has or not existed "keys" in result. such as
  // expect ['phonetic', 'translation'] in result { phonetic: '...', translation: '...' } is true
  expect?: string[],

  // replace string while result's item got unexpect things
  // string: as placeholder if no content
  // string[]: [regexp string for test, regexp string as replace rule, replaceing string]
  // undefined: ignore this one
  replace?: (string | string[] | undefined)[];

  title?: string;
  description?: string;

Layout Example

  "id": "standard",
  "title": "Standard Translation Result",
  "description": "Default enabled in popup and web page.",
  "expect": ["phonetic_src", "phonetic_dest", "translation", "explain"],
  "rows": [
    ["<voice?src>", "[", "{phonetic_src}", "]"],
    ["<voice?dest={translation}>", "[", "{phonetic_dest}", "]"],
  "id": "simple",
  "title": "Simple Translation Result'",
  "description": "Shows a few base stuffs as result.",
  "expect": ["phonetic_dest", "translation", "explain"],
  "rows": [
    ["<voice-dest>", "`", "{phonetic_dest}", "`"],

Project Setup

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Compiles and hot-reloads for development (web mode)
yarn run serve

# Compiles and minifies for production (dist/web)
yarn run build

# Compiles and minifies for production (dist/firefox)
yarn run build:firefox

# Compiles and auto reloads for development (dist/firefox)
yarn run watch:firefox

# Strat a temporary browser for development (dist/firefox)
yarn run webext run

# Package a .zip extension file for publishing (web-ext-artifacts/)
yarn run pack:firefox

# Package a .zip extension file for publishing (web-ext-artifacts/amo)
yarn run pack:amo

# Run unit tests
yarn run test:unit