
a simple but highly customizable paging layout for UICollectionView.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


License platforms pod Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible






This is a custom UICollectionViewLayout that gives you the ability to apply transforms easily on the cells
by conforming your cell class to TransformableView protocol you will get a progress value and you can use it to apply any changes on your cell view.
See How to use part for more details.


CollectionViewPagingLayout doesn't contain any external dependencies.

# Podfile

target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'CollectionViewPagingLayout'

Replace YOUR_TARGET_NAME and then, in the Podfile directory, type:

$ pod install

Add this to Cartfile

github "CollectionViewPagingLayout"

and then, in the Cartfile directory, type:

$ carthage update

using Xcode:

File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency


Just add all the files under Lib directory to your project

How to use

  • make sure you imported the library
import CollectionViewPagingLayout
  • Set the layout for your collection view: (in most cases you want a paging effect so make sure you enable it)
let layout = CollectionViewPagingLayout()
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = layout
collectionView.isPagingEnabled = true // enabling paging effect
  • Then you can set numberOfVisibleItems, by default it's null and that means it will load all of the cells at a time
layout.numberOfVisibleItems = ...
  • Now you just need to conform your UICollectionViewCell class to TransformableView and start implementing your custom transforms

progress is a float value that represents the current position of your cell in the collection view.
When it's 0 that means the current position of the cell is exactly in the center of your collection view.
the value could be negative or positive and that represents the distance to the center of your collection view.
for instance 1 means the distance between the center of the cell and the center of your collection view is equal to your collection view width.

extension MyCollectionViewCell: TransformableView {
    func transform(progress: CGFloat) {

you can start with a simple transform like this:

extension MyCollectionViewCell: TransformableView {
    func transform(progress: CGFloat) {
        let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: bounds.width/2 * progress, y: 0)
        let alpha = 1 - abs(progress)

        contentView.subviews.forEach { $0.transform = transform }
        contentView.alpha = alpha

Premade Transformable Protocols

There are premade transformables to make it easier to use this library,
using them is very simple, you just need to conform your UICollectionViewCell to the premade protocol
and then set the options for that to customize it as you want.
there are three types of transformables protocol at the moment ScaleTransformView, SnapshotTransformView, and StackTransformView.
as you can see in the samples app these protocols are highly customizable and you can make tons of different effects with them.
here is a simple example for ScaleTransformView which gives you a simple paging with scaling effect:

extension MyCollectionViewCell: ScaleTransformView {
    var scaleOptions = ScaleTransformViewOptions(
        minScale: 0.6,
        scaleRatio: 0.4,
        translationRatio: CGPoint(x: 0.66, y: 0.2),
        maxTranslationRatio: CGPoint(x: 2, y: 0),

there is an options struct for each transformable where you can customize the effect, check the struct to find out what each parameter does.
a short comment on the top of each parameter explains how you can use it.
ScaleTransformView -> ScaleTransformViewOptions
SnapshotTransformView -> SnapshotTransformViewOptions
StackTransformView -> StackTransformViewOptions

you can see some examples in the samples app for these transformables.
check here to see used options for each: /PagingLayoutSamples/Modules/Shapes/ShapeCell/

Target view

You may wonder how does it figure out the view for applying transforms on, if you check each transformable protocol you can see the target views are defined for each, you can also see there is an extension to provide the default target views.
for instance we have ScaleTransformView.scalableView which is the view that we apply scale transforms on, and for UICollectionViewCell the default view is the first subview of contentView:

public extension ScaleTransformView where Self: UICollectionViewCell {
    /// Default `scalableView` for `UICollectionViewCell` is the first subview of
    /// `contentView` or the content view itself if there is no subview
    var scalableView: UIView {
        contentView.subviews.first ?? contentView

of course you can easily override this

Customize Premade Transformables

Yes, you can customize them or even combine them, to do that like before conform your cell class to the transformable protocol(s) and then implement TransformableView.transform function and call the transformable function manually, like this:

extension LayoutTypeCollectionViewCell: ScaleTransformView {
    func transform(progress: CGFloat) {
        applyScaleTransform(progress: progress)
        // customize views here, like this:
        titleLabel.alpha = 1 - abs(progress)
        subtitleLabel.alpha = titleLabel.alpha


as you can see applyScaleTransform applies the scale transforms and right after that we change the alpha for titleLabel and subtitleLabel.
to find the public function(s) for each tansformable check the protocol definition.

Other features

You can control the current page by following public functions of CollectionViewPagingLayout:

  • func setCurrentPage(_ page: Int, animated: Bool = true)
  • func goToNextPage(animated: Bool = true)
  • func goToPreviousPage(animated: Bool = true)

these are safe wrappers for setting ContentOffset of UICollectionview
you can also get current page by a public variable CollectionViewPagingLayout.currentPage or listen to the changes by setting CollectionViewPagingLayout.delegate:

public protocol CollectionViewPagingLayoutDelegate: class {
    func onCurrentPageChanged(layout: CollectionViewPagingLayout, currentPage: Int)


You need to specify the number of visible cells since this layout gives you the flexibility to show the next and previous cells.
By default, the layout loads all of the cells in the collection view frame and that means it keeps all of them in memory. You can specify the number of cells that you need to show at a time by considering your design.


CollectionViewPagingLayout is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more info.