
WalliD wallet browser extension - Self-custodial wallet and multi-chain key manager for blockchain assets and digital IDs

About WalliD wallet

WalliD wallet is an aggregator of digital ID protocols and networks and allows users to create and manage an Ethereum wallet (address, public and private keys) through a javascript enabled browser extension. It enables users' authentication on dApps or centralized Webapps and it provides a seamless experience to manage all kinds of digital IDs or non-finantial assets (decentralized and centralized) and allow for a self-sovereign storage of multiple wallet or Digital ID asset keys in the browser local memory, empowering users to provide a proof-of-ownership over all assets from those networks in dApps or centralized webapps.
The src folder contains all the code that describes the plugin's behaviour and features. More specifically, the scripts folder contains all of the plugin's backend code.

LUKSO buildup Hackathon 2022 implementation:

Go to Lukso-build branch to access all folders and files built during LUKSO Buildup Hackathon

During the hackthon we implemented the features and methods that allow users to have a native LUKSO experience, more specifically:

  • Connect to the L16 Public Network
  • Import Universal Profiles and assets from the network (LYX, LSP7 and LSP8 tokens)
  • Create Vaults
  • Send tokens to external addresses
  • Send tokens across vaults


  • controllers: contain a collection of controller modules built around clearly defined data entities. These modules are responsible for managing the plugin's multiple data entities and implementing all relevant features related to them.

  • lib: contains a collection of functional modules responsible for the implementation of features not specific to any controller. It contains miscelaneous utility functions meant to be imported and used by the main application instances, controllers or any other scripts like the content-script.

  • resources: contain all resources not directly related to the plugin's configuration. Currently used to store the ABIs of the smart-contracts that the plugin interacts with.

  • app-controller.js: contains the implementation of the AppController module which represents the main plugin instance running in the browser's background process. It provides all necessary methods to interact with the backend subsytem. It is responsible for managing the plugin's internal state and controller instances. All controller modules are instanciated within the main AppController instance. Controller modules should not be accessed directly. Instead any interaction with the controllers should be done through wrapped functions provided by the main AppController instance. This instance also provides a permissioned RequestAPI which exposes select controller features to WebApps. This allows applications to interact with the plugin's state and use its available features like, importing new assets or using cryptographic functions. The methods provided by the RequestAPI require apps to have certain access levels in order to access them. Applications can use a specific method to request a given access level, which will in turn present the users with a popup window enabling them to accept or decline the requested access level. The AppController instance also exposes an internal API to the UI subsystem which goal is to provide the plugin's UI components with all the fueatures they might need in order to implement the various user flows within the plugin.

  • background.js: contains a specific Chrome extension ManifestV2 script (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv2/background_pages/). The background script is persistent, meaning it continuously runs in the browser's background process despite the plugin being in use or not. The main AppController instance runs inside the background script. The in-memory state of the application is maintained within the context of this script.

  • content-script.js: contains a specific Chrome extension script (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/content_scripts/). The content-script provides a way for the plugin to interact with WebApps. The script is injected into web pages according to the whitelist defined in the manifest.json file. In the context of the plugin, the content-script is used to inject code that allows web applications to interact with the plugin's RequestAPI and listen to relevant events emmited by the backend.


Main controller for Lukso ecosystem:

  • constructor: the constructor of the lukso controller

  • encodeData: encodes data in a given schema for a UP Address

  • initEOA: adds the wallet private key to web3 module

  • createUniversalProfile: creates a UP for the current wallet

  • checkOwnership: checks if the given EOA address is the owner of the UP Address

  • setUniversalProfileAddress: sets Universal Profile Address

  • setKeyManagerAddress: sets Key Manager Address

  • getUniversalProfileAddress: gets Universal Profile Address

  • getKeyManagerAddress: gets Key Manager Address

  • fetchProfile: gets the given address profile data

  • fetchVaults: gets the given address vaults data

  • fetchLSP5: gets LSP5 - Received Assets from the given address

  • fetchLSP12: gets LSP12 - Issued Assets from the given address

  • getDataKey: gets data key of the ERC752 address from the given schema

  • contractFactory: Deploys a given contract with the user wallet, can receive additional arguments to be passed to the contract constructor

  • deployingUniversalReceiverDelegate: creates a new URD for the user wallet

  • deployVault: creates a new vault whit the given UPAddress being the owner

  • createVault: creates a vault on the user UP, setting up all the required contracts

  • setVaultAddressUP: adds the vault address to the UP LSP10 - Received Vaults

  • executePayloadOnVault: executes a data payload on a UP vault address

  • executePayload: executes a data payload on a UP

  • transferLSP7Token: transfers a LSP7 token

  • transferLSP8Token: transfers a LSP8 token

  • tokenIdsOf: Gets a list of the accountAddress owned tokenIds of a LSP8 assetAddress

  • balanceOf: Gets the balance of tokenAddress of accountAddress

  • getIssuedAssetsOfAddress: Gets the list of the ownerAddress current issued assets

  • getAssetsOfAddress: Gets the list of the ownerAddress current received assets

  • getMetadata: Gets the metadata from a given assetAddress and a ownerAddress, for LSP8 a tokenId is required as well

What was already built before the hacktahon:

WalliD wallet is a product built by WalliD and most of the features that allowed for users to authenticate on dApps (through wallet connect) or centralized WebApps and to store centralized digital IDs (such as PKI-based IDs or Web2 accounts) or prove their ownership were already developed. More specifically:

  • Wallet signature - a signature based on the wallet private key
  • Web2 account storage - possibility to store online accounts to then prove their ownership
  • IDs storage - store centralized IDs and prove your ownership
  • Signature validation - verify signatures using the private key
  • Assets management and visualization - delete and view IDs and online accounts

What's next in our development pipeline:

As part of our mission to build WalliD wallet as an aggregator of all EVM compatible networks and tailor-made for non-finantial assets from centralized and decentralized protocols and in order to enable all LUKSO and other EVM chains users to use it as their single wallet to navigate these networks and manage all kinds of assets, we will be working on the following until the end of 2022:

  • Web3 methods implemntation - to enable the interactuon with smart contracts
  • Multi-account management - to enable a customized ID protfolio associated to one or more addresses
  • Multi- key management - to enable a seamless management of different private keys and seed phrases, ensuring a seamless transition from Metamask or any other wallet into a single wallet manager (WalliD)
  • Integration with other digital ID protocols - such as PolygonID, Ceramic network, EBSI, Proof-of-humanity and others


This extension is built using ManifestV2. Google has recently launched ManifestV3 which introduces a big shift to the extensions platform, notably the replacement of background pages for service workers.


  • Node v16.13.2

Team members