
Javascript helper to create odata URLs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OData helper

Simple javascript library to generate OData URIs. Still early work


Create service

Create the service with URL and optional response format

var svc = odata.service('http://example.com', 'json');

Create resource

Create a resource based on the service

var res = svc.resource('Products');

Generate query URL

A query is performed on a resource by chaining query methods and finally call toString. toString will also reset the current query.

var url = res.select('Name', 'Price').orderby('Price').desc().toString();

will result in a string:

http://example.com/Products?$select=Name,Price&$orderby=Price desc&$format=json


var url = res.id(23).path('Colors').filter('Name eq ' + odata.string('red')).toString();


http://example.com/Products(23)/Colors?$filter=Name eq 'red'&$format=json

Change service URL and format

Changes to URL and format will automatically apply to all resources created on the service.



The library provides options to configure a suffix to add to the resource path aswell as a function for generating an id for the resource. Eg. if you want a more Rails-like URL scheme:

odata.options.idFunc = function (id) {
  return '/' + id;
odata.options.resourceSuffix = '.json';

Will make the following call

res.id(23).path('Colors').param('page', 1).toString();

generate an URL of the form:
