Christopher Wallis
Final Project

Current the path tracer give a real-time feedback via an OpenGL window. The 
tracer can be exited at any time by hitting 'esc' and the image will automatically
be saved 

w/a/s/d - left/right up/down movement
q/e - zoom in/out
i/j/k/l - camera rotations

Current implemented features are:
 * Real-time visual of path tracing (which by have automatic anti-aliasing)
 * Area Lights and Triangles 
 * Textures
 * Reflections and refractions
 * Soft shadows
 * Linear Velocities on objects 
 * BVH that gets created and updated in parallel 
 * Blur and median filter

Flags supported are:
   [width]    (optional) image width
   [height]   (optional) image height 

   -I [file]  Specify input file
   -O [file]  (optional) Specify output file, default is 'sample.tga'

   -d         Specify the depth that each ray is traced
              (Default is 6)

   -s         static - use this if there are no moving objects in the scene (the BVH updates will be skipped) 

   -n         number of passes done per frame (default is 1)

   -t         number of seconds passed per frame (this only applies if there are objects with velocity

   -e         exposure time - switches the ray tracer to polaroid mode and the picture develops over a span of time

   -v         Trippy motion blur mode

   -b         Blur the screen

   -m         Apply a median filter to the screen

   --help     print out readme instructions

The Cornell box with just boxes can be run at 15 frames per second on the CSL machines

Files with cool scenes are (listed by cool-ness):
   * diningRoom.pov
   * bunnies.pov
   * Cornell-Sphere.pov
   * Cornell-Original.pov
   * blitzcrank.pov

Rendered images are:
   * room.tga
   * cornell.tga
   * cornellBlur.tga
   * blitzcrank.tga