I used mitmproxy to make automated calls to Nintendo's API from my server. I wanted to be able to analyze my play history to see where I could improve my strategy. It was important to me that I regularly poll for new data for two reasons:
- Nintendo only saves the previous 50 battles. As old battles get deleted, they are gone forever. As someone who has 500+ hours of Splatoon 2 logged, I need (and desire) far more than 50 battles to make any kind of worthwhile statistical analysis.
- I play Splatoon at weird times. If I say, only played for two hours on Sunday, I could just poll every Monday morning. But as a true addict, games can be at 6:30 in the morning or at night, any day of the week.
Inspired by NintendoSwitchRESTAPI, weapons.json pulled from splatoon2-data