The Erlang Vista RPC driver (a.k.a. evistarpc) provides an interface to the Vista RPC broker. Support for OVID is also under development. More information on Vista can be found at [] and on OpenVista at []. Please see the index.html file located the doc directory to learn more and for an example session using the Erlang shell.
This code was built and tested using the Erlang R14B04 release for 64 bit Ubuntu Linux, OpenVista Server 1.5 Service Pack 6, and OVID 1.1.2.
Download the code: git clone git:// cd into the evistarpc directory
Check the Host and Port values for the Vista RPC Broker: The default values are Host= & Port=9201. If the values are different for your Vista installation/server you will need to alter the values on line 10 in the src/ file.
Compile: make
See doc/index.html for an example of use and API information.