Simple Auction API
There are currently these main implementations:
- main is the core simple implementation
- application-layer is the implementation with an application layer
- command-handlers-infrastructure is the implementation but without hand written command handlers that binds to the entity methods
- command-handlers-mediatr is an extension of the command-handlers-infrastructure but with MediatR pipeline behavior instead of decorators
First copy .env sample to a new .env file
cp .env.sample .env
Then do change the password.
To start the database run:
docker compose up -d db
To start azurite run:
docker compose up -d azurite
To start redis run:
docker compose up -d redis
To build the app run:
cd src/Auctions.WebApi
dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer
To run api/func/migrations locally you need the following env:
source .env
export ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection="Server=localhost;Database=master;TrustServerCertificate=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User Id=sa;Password=${SA_PASSWORD}"
export ConnectionStrings__Redis="localhost"
export ConnectionStrings__AzureStorage="UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
export AzureWebJobsStorage="UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
If you want to run inside dev containers then the setup will be slightly different (since it should be the same environment as you have if you the apps through docker compose):
. .devcontainer/
To run migrations and api using above environment:
dotnet tool restore
cd src/Auctions.WebApi
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run
In the frontend app you need to specify the frontend db context
cd src/Auctions.Frontend
dotnet ef database update --context Wallymathieu.Auctions.Frontend.Data.FrontendDbContext
To run Azure Functions locally using above environment:
cd src/Auctions.AzureFunctions
func start
The API assumes that you have auth middleware in front of the app.
Either the decoded JWT in the x-jwt-payload
header or specify an encoded claims principal by using configuration value in PrincipalHeader
, such as x-ms-client-principal
dotnet ef migrations add NewMigration --project ./src/Auctions.Infrastructure/Auctions.Infrastructure.csproj --startup-project ./src/Auctions.WebApi/Auctions.WebApi.csproj
The main inspiration for the architecture of the API is found in this book:
Note that there are many variants of "the clean architecture" described in the .net space with different interpretations of what it means to implement this architecture.