- AAinslie
- Aaron2TiBeijing China
- adammendozaSan Francisco, Calif.
- ananthrk
- arnim@gesiscss
- bhattisatish@mvp-rockets
- bradjonescaNew York
- bwmcadams@spice-labs-inc
- clinejm
- codeslinger
- credmpAlmere, The Netherlands
- curlupKnowledge Systems @ DFCI
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- driedtoastCachefow
- dshaw@Ethereum, @CorDevelopment
- effata@struqtur
- eghPublic Library of Science
- erwinmombay
- firecodeAtlanta, GA, USA
- hammer
- jcpbaconMinnesota
- jwillsN/A
- k8nxNRISE
- kryton
- kumanan
- lzimmQorporation
- pcdinhCodeStringers
- pinoystartup
- sam-splat
- spnilanCT
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- vfulcoWeisisheng Corporate Management Consulting (Shanghai) Ltd.
- viirya@apache Databricks
- yiwangNew York, NY
- zaa@Souq-G-Commerce
- zedoul여긴 어딘가 나는 누군가