Allow you interact with Azure fileshares without installing az-cli.
Main intention to allow move files but keep it minimal. Project make use
of Azure Files REST API,
has 2 external dependencies (requests
, python-dateutil
) and 300+
lines of production code acording to pytest -cov
pip install azfiles
$ azfiles
azfiles - interact with Azure file shares
Available mounts:
azfiles <remote_path> add_mount <storage_account> <share> <sas_token>
azfiles <remote_path> delete
azfiles <remote_path> delete_mount
azfiles <remote_path> download <local_path>
azfiles <remote_path> list
azfiles <remote_path> props
azfiles <remote_path> upload <local_str>
Generate SAS token for particular share and register it with azfiles
as mount mnt01
end=`date -v +1y '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ'` #end access in one year
SAS=`az storage share generate-sas -n $SHARE --account-name $ACCT --https-only --expiry $end --permissions dlrw -o tsv`
azfiles mnt01: add_mount $ACCT $SHARE "$SAS"
After that you are ready to interact with storage. Upload file at any <remote_path>. Slash at the end of <remote_path> is important to tell save this file in remote directory and keep it's name.
$ azfiles mnt01:/logs/ upload ~/backup.log
$ azfiles mnt01:/ upload hello.txt
Diretories will be created along. You can change name of the file. Notice no slash in next example:
$ azfiles mnt01:/backups/logs/20210730.log upload ~/backup.log
List remote directory content:
$ azfiles mnt01:/logs/ list
$ azfiles mnt01:/ list
You can check on single file too:
$ azfiles mnt01:/backups/logs/20210730.log props
You and of course you can get your files back. You dont have to add slash to <local_path> if this directory already exists:
$ azfiles mnt01:/backups/logs/20210730.log download .
$ azfiles mnt01:/hello.txt download h2.txt
$ ls
20210730.log h2.txt hello.txt
Careful - sharp edges. Delete is recursive. It will ask only one question.
$ azfiles mnt01:/hello.txt delete
Delete file:/hello.txt?y
$ azfiles mnt01:/logs delete
Delete directory recursively!!!:/logs?y
You can force y
from command line too:
$ azfiles mnt01:/backups delete -y
And we back where we're started:
$ azfiles mnt01:/ list
Install all(including build/test) requirements:
pip install -e .[dev]
Run tests with coverage:
pytest --cov
Reformat all code. Runs black
and isort
on all sources:
python tidy