
a simple shell script to setup a wifi connection for FreeBSD

Primary LanguageShell


a simple shell script to setup a wifi connection for FreeBSD Durga-Air is a shell based command line tool used to assist FreeBSD users with wireless connections. The reason for this was due to issuing I began to have with WifiMgr. Durga-Air is completely CLI based and requires that you have sudo/root access, wlan0 configured(suggested but not required), and wpa_supplicant installed, Durga-Air currently supports the following tasks

  1. Scan for Available WAP
  2. Connect to open WAP
  3. Connect to secured WAP and saves a copy of the wpa_supplicant config for this connection
  4. Connect to previsouly used secured WAP (uses saved wpa_supplicant config files)
  5. Disconnect/Stop Wifi connections from CLI

We are currently working to add new options to the script.


  1. You will need to create a folder .durgaair under your main home directory (mkdir /home/$USER/.durgaair).
  2. Download and copy the wpa_wifi.conf (wpa_supplicant.conf) to the /home/user/.durgaair directory.
  3. installation is complete you can now run durga-air.

Durga-Air comes with several options here are some examples; -open: this option will allow you to connect to a open wireless network, currently this option does not save the open wifi profiles for later use: to run this option you will simple want to include the "-open" switch when starting durgaair: ./durgaair.sh -open

-secured: this option will allow you to connect to a WEP/WPA encrypted wireless connection. This option will also prompt you to save this Wifi Profile for later use. to run this option you will simple want to include the "-secured" switch when starting durgaair; ./durgaair.sh -secured

-saved: this option will allow you to utilize a previously saved wifi profile in order to connect to a wireless network. This option is currently functioning however will be going to revising soon. to run this option simple add the "-saved" switch when starting durgaair: ./durgaair.sh -open