
Browser client for Netkomrade

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Browser client for Netkomrade, extensible IRC client/bot with persistent session settings similar to IRCcloud

Work in progress. Feedback very appreciated.

Contact me if you have any questions or would like to help with testing.

Current features

  • multiple IRC network support
  • Secure Websockets
  • messages are logged


The server endpoint is configured in src/js/config/settings.js

The client interprets commands defined in src/js/commands/commandConf.js

Command format is "/command".

The client must first load a session from the server:

  • /load_session sessionpass

Once the client is connected to the server, you can:

  • add/set a network with /set_network networkName address port nick. Example: /set_network freenode chat.freenode.net 6697 mutant2051
  • remove network: /remove_network networkName
  • join a channel: /join channel network. Example: /join #think freenode
  • query a nick: /query nick network. Example: /query randomnick250 freenode
  • part a channel or close nick tab with /close
