
ConnectSphere: A professional social networking platform for seamless networking and collaboration among professionals

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ConnectSphere is a professional social media platform designed to facilitate networking and collaboration among professionals. It allows users to connect with each other, follow updates from connections, and view official announcements from administrators.


  • User Connections: Connect with other professionals to expand your network and stay updated on their activities.

  • Follow Updates: Follow other users to receive updates on their posts and activities in your feed.

  • Admin Posts: Stay informed with official announcements and posts from administrators.

Technologies Used


  • TypeScript: Strongly typed language for enhanced development experience.
  • React: Powerful frontend library for building interactive user interfaces.
  • Vite: Fast and lightweight frontend build tool for modern web development.
  • Styled Components: CSS-in-JS library for styling React components.
  • Cypress: End-to-end testing framework for frontend applications.


  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building scalable backend applications.
  • Express.js: Minimalistic web framework for Node.js for building APIs.
  • tRPC: TypeScript RPC framework for building type-safe APIs.
  • Vitest: Testing framework for backend applications.
  • Turborepo: Monorepo tool for managing multiple packages in a single repository.

Deployment and CI/CD

  • Render: Cloud platform for deploying and scaling web applications.
  • GitHub Actions: CI/CD platform for automating software workflows.

Getting Started

⌨ Scripts

command description
pnpm start Runs the production build of the server (/server)
pnpm pm2:start Runs the server production build as a background process, using pm2 (/server)
pnpm pm2:delete Deletes all pm2 processes (/server)
pnpm pm2:logs Shows logs for pm2 (/server)
pnpm dev Launches apps and bundles all packages in watch mode
pnpm lint Performs an eslint check through all workspaces
pnpm lint:fix Performs an eslint fix through all workspaces
pnpm ts:check Performs a TypeScript check through all workspaces
pnpm ts:references Syncs TypeScript references in all tsconfig.json files + updates nodemon.json watch array
pnpm stylelint Performs an stylelint check through all workspaces
pnpm check Performs eslint, TypeScript, and stylelint checks through all workspaces
pnpm build Builds all apps
pnpm build:lib Bundles all packages
pnpm test:unit Runs unit tests in watch mode
pnpm test:unit:run Runs unit tests once
pnpm test:integration Runs integration tests in watch mode
pnpm test:integration:run Runs integration tests once
pnpm test:e2e Runs e2e tests in watch mode
pnpm test:e2e:run Runs e2e tests once
pnpm test:coverage Generates test coverage reports
pnpm test:coverage:preview Generates test coverage reports and opens preview
pnpm cypress Opens the Cypress UI (/web)
pnpm cypress:install Installs the Cypress (/web)
pnpm postinstall Ensures that local or CI environment is ready after installing packages

🔒 Envs

Envs are validated with the package envalid. Check out .env-example & .env.test-example files

If the pnpm dev script is executed without the required environment variables, the application will output similar details in the console:

Missing environment variables:
PORT: Port the Express server is running on (eg. "3001"). See https://expressjs.com/en/starter/hello-world.html

🌐 Ports

  • 🌐 :3000 - Web
  • 🖥️ :3001 - Server


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to ConnectSphere, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
