
A church management system built with Django

Primary LanguagePython

Church Management App

This is a Church Management App that provides a variety of features for managing a church's activities, members, events, and content. The app includes an attendance system, blog, podcast, polls and surveys, pledges, offering and donation, prayer requests, contacts, and scheduling meetings, among other things.


  • To install and run this app, follow the steps below:

  • Clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/walosha/church_be.git.

  • Run docker-compose --build && docker compose up to build and start the Docker containers.

  • Activate the virtual environment using source ./venv/bin/activate.

  • Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Run python manage.py makemigrations to create the database migrations.

  • Run python manage.py migrate to apply the database migrations.

  • Run the app in development mode using python manage.py runserver --settings=core.settings.local, or in production mode using python manage.py runserver --settings=core.settings.prod.

  • Access Swagger documentation on api/doc/#/. Y- ou can also run the following commands:

docker-compose exec web python /code/church/manage.py migrate: Migrate the database.
docker-compose exec web python /code/church/manage.py collectstatic or python manage.py collectstatic --settings=core.settings.local: Collect static files.
python manage.py check --settings=core.settings.prod (church directory): Check for deploy issues.
python manage.py check --deploy --settings=church.settings.prod: Check for deploy issues.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout ssl/church.key -out ssl/church.crt -subj '/CN=_.church.com' -addext 'subjectAltName=DNS:_.church.com': Generate SSL cert.
docker-compose exec nginx nginx -s reload: Reload NGINX.


This Church Management App has several features, including:

  • User management (roles/permissions) / Members directory / Groups
  • Events (meetings, events and programs) for activities Callender
  • Attendance system for events
  • Blog (post & comments)
  • Podcast (Video and audio for sermons)
  • Polls and Surveys
  • Pledges, offering and donation
  • Prayer request, Contact
  • Schedule meetings
  • Email
  • Live streaming
  • e-bible

Thank you for using our Church Management App!