
Simple Vagrant LLMP stack

Primary LanguageShell

Litebox Vagrant VM

litebox is a vagrant configuration for rapidly instantiating web-development servers. This configuration is very insecure by default, to facilitate as much open access as possible.

This Vagrantfile is built from a basis Vagrant box, with all software coming in from official software repositories. It contains the essentials, attempting to strike a fine balance between cruft and barrenness.


  • Ubuntu
  • Lighttpd
  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • xdebug
  • webgrind
  • memcached
  • redis
  • ajenti


Note that all vagrant commands must be run from the same directory as this Vagrantfile.

Start the server:
host> cd /path/to/my/VagrantFile
host> vagrant up 
Connect via SSH:
vagrant ssh
Stop the server:
vagrant halt
Connect to mysql from host
mysql -uvagrant -pvagrant --host= --port=3306


  • root: vagrant
  • user: vagrant
  • password: vagrant
  • default_db: vagrant

ajenti admin panel
  • user: root
  • password: admin


These can be modified within the Vagrantfile

  • HTTP: 8080
  • MySQL: 3306
  • xdebug: 9000
  • memcached: 11211
  • ajenti 8000

Using webgrind:

Generate a webgrind file:

Then access webgrind via:

Using memcached:

You can verify the installation is working with netcat:

host> echo "stats settings" | nc 11211

Using redis

vagrant> redis-cli
vagrant-redis> info

Using ajenti

Make sure you are connecting via https
user: root
password: admin