Labs Journal Entry: 1.1 - Product Vision

This challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past week and apply them by providing answers to questions related to your product vision. This Sprint explored Product Vision: Planning your Labs Product. During this Sprint, you were given the following lessons:

  • Logistics
  • Measuring Success
  • Products & Ethics

In your challenge this week, you will demonstrate understanding over these topics by responding to 2 prompts


Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Journal Entry.

You are not allowed to collaborate during the Journal Entry. However, you are encouraged to follow the twenty-minute rule and seek support from your TL if you need direction. Your work reflects your proficiency in user interface and your command of the concepts and techniques in team planning and product vision.

We have allocated time on your schedule to ensure that you get this done at the end of each sprint.

  • For Full Time Students: Please submit your work on this journal entry before 12pm PST every Friday.
  • For Part Time Students: Please submit your work on this journal entry before the end of your 2nd '5th' day.

Template: Decision Defense

Please respond to the following prompts to demonstrate your understanding of product vision planning sessions.

Copy and paste these prompts into a Google Doc. Steps on how to create a google doc folder, and how this should look can be found here

Prompt 1

Describe the conversations you had this sprint with your product owner(s) and team.

  • Describe the product and features you plan to deliver.
  • How did these conversations determine the features you will deliver during Labs?
  • How did your discussions change the way you viewed the product?

Prompt 2

Describe the technical or design discussions that shaped the long-term product vision.

  • For data scientists and engineers: Describe the technologies that you will use to build this product. Why do they fit the product vision?
  • For UX designers: Describe the questions that you are asking during user research. Why have you selected these questions to ask? What is the problem your team is trying to solve?

You are expected to be able to answer all these questions. Your responses contribute to your Journal Entry grade. Skipping this section will prevent you from passing this challenge.

Submitting your work

Please submit a link to your journal entry for this sprint, in the Sprint Retrospective Form. This is to be done every Friday before Noon -- for Full Time -- and before the end of your 2nd '5th' day -- for Part Time -- to be counted as a submission for that sprint.

Rubric & Samples

Here is a link to the rubric that will be used to assess your answers to the prompts. Use this as a guide as you craft your responses.

Here is a link to a sample submission that you can use for inspiration.