
A starter repo for the ACA Advanced Course CRUD application.

Primary LanguageHTML


Walter Perry's ACA Advanced Web Development CRUD app.

Update 1 - after I finished the coding backend

From What I remember the two places I got stuck were routing and not understanding get and post protocols. The rest of the app was filled in with understanding the previous lessons (chap 2, 3, 4). By saying I did not understand routing I mean that I thought of a route like an absolute path to an "ejs" template. Big Mistake. I learned not to think of backend server routes like serving web pages. We are really directing the request that comes in to a proper handler function which can apply coded logic to do more than just serve a "ejs" template view. What helped me most was to step through the code line by line and follow the logic path of the request and then code the appropriate actions.

For some reason I got stuck on not knowing when a get request was sent and when a post request was sent. This was just a trip up and the issue got resolved by listening to the instructor solve other student challenges (along with the instructor helping me). The issue got resolved when I realized that get is used first to display the template and post is sent by the html form after data entry or prefilled.

Update 2 - after finished frontend style

This project brought all the learned concepts together (up to this point in class). I am glad this was an assignment that copying and pasting from previous assignments did not work. Although looking back on them was really helpful. I am gladd I did some extra work on this, because I can say I am a little proud of this project.

things to finish get navbar to work style forms get pictures to load from database get Blog post titles to load from database style the font more add content add footer info