Salesforce Certification Calculator

A month-long project you build on a team of 2-3 with other learning Salesforce developers. Small teams will work together to complete development assignments. A weekly meeting with experienced developers to go over questions and review code. Get actual hands-on experience by working on projects, in a team with requirements.


Create to calculate the weighted score from Salesforce certifications available on Trailhead. Use LWC, HTML, JS, CSS, and other Salesforce development frameworks to create a UI and backend to dynamically render and calculate the scores. All certification calculations can be found on Trailhead on the exam guides.

  • Initially start with PD1 then change program to be dynamic.

Project Requirements

  • Ability to select multiple certifications to calculate score - fields will be dynamic
  • Ability to input certification scored for each section of platform developer 1 certification
  • Button to initiate the calculate functionality
  • Once calculated show your score compared to the score needed to pass
  • Error check if a field is blank - all fields are required
  • Should work in a Salesforce as stand alone component or on record page

Getting Started

  • Fork this repository and (if team leader) invite team members to repo
  • Clone the forked repo onto your local computer and open the folder in Visual Studio Code
  • Connect to your playground org and start coding!


Development Requirements

  • Must have completed and sent a review of Apex Fundamentals
  • Must use SFDX, git, GitHub, and visual studio code
  • Your code should be able to run in any playground org via a GitHub repo
  • Must be able to commit to meeting weekly with a large group
  • SLDS and LWC Library must be used for lightning web components

Development Outline

  1. Create a LWC - Name: Salesforce Certification Calculator
  2. HTML - Create inputs for the users values - 4 inputs (Developer Fundamentals, Process Automation and Logic, User Interface,Testing, Debugging, and Deployment)
  3. HTML - Text for the overall score
  4. HTML - Create calculate button
  5. JS - Calculate button press call the JS function to update the overall score


  • Build Together is meant to be challenging. You will be asked to figure things out with your team. Sr. Dev will guide you but not a full outline of what you should be doing. Asking questions is the more important thing.
  • You can use other resources but don’t just copy it word for word. You should be able to explain what your code is doing.
  • Team members are meant to keep each other accountable, but if a team member is not pulling their weight, they will be cut.

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