
Calendar demonstration written with nodejs, typescript, react, dynamodb and google login

Primary LanguageHTML

node_ts_dynamodb_react 2023

Calendar demonstration written with nodejs, typescript, react, dynamodb and google login. Written in 2023

How to run the project

1 Dynamodb database

run the database and set proper permissions

The dynamodb database is available as a docker image.

To run the database under linux:

$ cd api $ docker-compose up

Once everything is installed, stop the process with CTRL + C Now run the following command to have proper permissions $ sudo chmod 777 ./docker/dynamodb

Now run the database again $ docker-compose up

initialize the database

run the scripts $ node dist/db_init/initDb.js asdfasdf

2- Run the api

Register a google app

Execute the steps in this link: https://www.passportjs.org/tutorials/google/register/

set values of google client id and secret in $PROJECT/api/.env file. GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

install and run the api server

From the previous directory ($PROJECT/api) open a new console in the same directory and run : $ npm install $ npm run dev

This will make the api server run

3- run the webapp

$ cd ../webapp $ npm install $ npm run dev