git init - Create a new repo
git status - View the changes to your project code
git add - Add files to staging area
git commit - Creates a new commit with files from staging area
git log - View recent commits
git add . - Adds all recent changes to commit
git commit -m "Commit message goes here" - Add a commit message
git commit -a -m "Commit message goes here" - Commit all recent changes along with a commit message
git push - Pushes code to the default remote which is likely origin
npm run serve - Starts live server running on public folder - The following must be added back to package.json scripts to use live server - "serve": "live-server public/"
yarn run dev-server - Compiles webpack
yarn run build:prod - Builds for prod env
yarn run build:dev - Builds for dev env
yarn run test - Runs all of our JEST unit tests
node server/server.js - Starts Express server, however, you might need to 'yarn run build:prod' beforehand
yarn install - Installs everything
yarn install --production - Only installs production dependencies
yarn install --development - Installs production and dev dependencies
heroku --version - Check heroku cli version
heroku login - Login to heroku from the terminal
heroku create - Generates a random project
heroku create {project name here} - Manually pick your projects name
heroku git:remote - a {add heroku repo / project name here} - Manually change the heroku project
git push heroku master - Pushes the app to master
heroku open - Opens the app in the browser
heroku logs - Dumps all of the server logs into the terminal
heroku config - Prints out all of your enviornment variables
heroku config:set KEY=value - Adds a new enviornment variable
heroku config:unset KEY - Removes the enviornment variable