
There are several projects about NLP and data mining.

Diabetes Genetic Risk Prediction

Diabetes Genetic Risk Prediction is a data mining competition held by XunFei. It aims to build a diabetes genetic risk prediction model from the training data set, and then predict whether individuals in the test data set have diabetes.

I make use of three machine learning model for this task: Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Lightgbm.

Text Classification and Query Question Answering Public Data Based on Paper Abstracts

Text Classification and Query Question Answering Public Data Based on Paper Abstracts is a NLP classification competition held by XunFei. A model is needed to classify the papers by understanding the abstracts and other information of them.

Baseline model is a SGDClassifier. I use bert-base-uncased pretrained model to improve the performance.

FOFE Adapter

Fixed-size ordinally-forgetting encoding (FOFE) can almost uniquely encode any variable-length sequence of words into a fifixed-size representation. It can model the word order in a sequence using a simple ordinally-forgetting mechanism according to the positions of words. FOFELayerWindows are added to the BERT encoder to help the pretrained model better understand tokens' relationship based on GLUE dataset.


MTBart modifies the decoder of BART. The initial BART decoder is sequential and autoregressive and it only considers the forward context. A new bi-directional decoder is developed, which can collect forward and backward contexts for prediction. The new decoder is a five-stream self-attention structure. The first one is a L2R stream. The second one is a R2L stream, which uses reversed input_ids. The third one uses the hidden states from L2R stream and the forth one uses the hidden states from R2L stream. The last stream uses both of the hidden states. The last three streams’ prediction are concated for finetuning.