
Based on my project pg_json_bench.

This project is to help setting up and comparing the performance of FerretDB on top of a regular PostgreSQL instance vs a Citus cluster.

The approach taken here is "very experimental" (completly hacked).


Spin up docker compose with monitoring stack

docker compose up -d

Prepare the data

mkdir ./data
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/algolia/datasets/master/movies/records.json -O ./data/records.json


go build -o ferretdb_citus_bench

Run Benchmark Example:

export MONGO_DBCONN="mongodb://postgres:password@localhost:27017/postgres?authMechanism=PLAIN"
export PG_DBCONN="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable"

./ferretdb_citus_bench insert       # for testing insert on regular PostgreSQL instance
./ferretdb_citus_bench insert dist  # for testing insert on Citus

On the output the link for the metrics will be displayed, maybe you need to refresh. Grafana user and password is admin