
This is a meta project that links all the repositories related to the axsis xes slow control system

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a meta project that links all the repositories related to the axsis xes slow control system

Purpose Platform Link
Backend Python 3.6+ axsis-xes
Middleware Java 11+ magix
Frontend NodeJS 12+ axsis-gui
Tango Host Java 11+ virtual-host
Tango Server Java 11+ virtual-server
Kubernetes Microk8s axsis-kube

Getting started for developers

To setup development environment one needs at least three projects: Backend, Middleware, Frontend

Here is how each of them can be set up for development:


One will need PyCharm Professional and a Python environment (3.6+) installed on their system, however Conda is advised. Currently backend consists of two runnable:

main.py -- REST API. This is a Flask application and requires corresponding dependencies, run pip install -r Requirements.txt to install them. Configure PyCharm accordinly: tutorial

This is how Run configuration... may look like:

The application will start on localhost:5000

axsis.magix.py -- Magix client. This is just a runnable Python script: tutorial

NOTE: Both applications require enironmental variable MODE to be set to either simulation|production. In case of production a gateway to the underlying hardware will be created.


Middleware is a Magix component that supports http/sse transports. Currently Java 11+ version is used. Java Magix is a standard Java JAX-RS web application deployed to Tomcat. To setup it one will need IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate + Tomcat 9.x server: tutorial

Here is how Run configuration... setup screen may look like:

On the Deployment tab make sure that magix:war exploded artifact is deployed and the Application context is magix:

Once is launched one can debug/monitor Magix messages flow by simply navigating Chrome browser to localhost:8080/magix/api/subscribe

Please note default http port: 8080. Other components expect Magix to be on localhost:8080


Frontend is a NodeJS application hence requires WebStorm and a Node 12+ environment, nvm is advised (serves same purpose as Conda for Python). To start application execute npm install && npm run start this will launch the web server on localhost:8081, provided that middleware is already running.

Configuring NodeJS run/debug in WebStorm tutorial

Run everything

First launch Magix; then both backend applications and, finally, the frontend. Once everything is up and running navigate your browser to localhost:8081 one should see the following page:

In the simulation mode any IP will pass.


[1] Mazalova, V.; Khokhriakov, I.; Merkulova, O.; Nozik, A. A Novel Solution for Controlling Hardware Components of Accelerators and Beamlines. Preprints 2021, 2021080336 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202108.0336.v1).