
Simple lib for assymetric file or data encryption

Primary LanguagePHP

Alohomora Library

This library can be used to encrypt and decrypt data.

The main idea was to create a lib that will chunk the data and encrypt each to provide secure solution.


This process encrypts given string - splits it into chunks and then cipher each with specified public key. If you want to encode an array you must use PHP builtin json_encode function.


This will be updated later


Initialize the lib

Creating an instance with constructor

$alohomora = new Alohomora()


  1. Set the entry data to encode

$alohomora->setEntry('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet')

  1. Set output data

$alohomora->setOutputDirectory(__DIR__.'/enc'); $alohomora->setFileName('encrypted');

In this step you set a target directory by setOutputDirectory() and the name of directory that will hold the encrypted data by setFileName()

  1. Encrypt your data

Here you should've prepared your public key string to encrypt your entry



Coming soon...