
ML project following CRISP-DM process for Chicago Crime data

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Download the corresponding datasets from Kaggle
  3. Copy the downloaded data to the /dataset folder of this repository

How to use

Important: We have implemented a parallelization strategy, which is deactivated by default. If you are using a unix / macOS machine, search for the Globals section (top of code) and set RUN_PARALLEL = True to fasten the execution.

  • All sections are surrounded by triple quotes. They allow you to comment / uncomment whole sections:
# This is a commented section
print("Started section: Data loading")
dataset_04 = pd.read_csv('./dataset/Chicago_Crimes_2001_to_2004.csv',
                      sep=',', header=0, error_bad_lines=False, low_memory=False, 

# This is an uncommented section
print("Started section: Data loading")
dataset_04 = pd.read_csv('./dataset/Chicago_Crimes_2001_to_2004.csv',
                      sep=',', header=0, error_bad_lines=False, low_memory=False, 
  • The section Data understanding is commented out by default, as the correlation analyses needs quite long.
  • Within the Modeling section we have commented all models except for Decision Tree. You can add or remove them as you like.
  • The code is not very talkative and does not write many results to stdout. We have used a slightly customized MatLab layout of Spyder.

Nice to know

  • We have prepared some great visualizations of the dataset. You can play with them here.
  • Within the /results folder you will find two .csv files containing already prepared result sets of the standard logistic regression and Bernoulli Naive Bayes method.
  • The dataset is enormous, so bring plenty of time and patience.
  • Multinomial Logistic Regression will need several hours (we did not manage to execute a full-blown test), you should think about a nightly run. The correlation analyses are also quite slow. We have added a global constant CORRELATION_SAMPLE_SIZE = 0.25 to configure a sample size for the calculations.
  • We have used a MacBook Pro equipped with an i7 processor and 16GB RAM. You should not use your grandma's PC with this data.

Feedback / Questions?

Feel free to open an issue, we will try to come back to you as fast as possible!