
This repo contains manifests to run Keycloak by Red Hat inside of Kubernetes with "host discovery".

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This repo contains manifests to run Keycloak by RedHat in Kubernetes.

How To Use the Manifests

If you have your own Postgres Database running, ignore the database manifest named postgres.yaml. The postgres.yaml creates a single Postresql database instance for testing. Checkout the Configuration section below, before creating anything.

You should also before kubectl createing the manifests, modify the ingress.yaml or simply remove it, but then access to the Keycloak instance will be harder.

It doesn't matter in which order you create the manifests, for testing running the following is enough:

kubectl create -f . --namespace default

If you need help, please let me know through an issue.

Default credentials

NOTE To disable user creation, leave the specific *_USER and *_PASSWORD environment variables empty (only works for KEYCLOAK_* variables).

To change the usernames, edit the *_USER variables in the ConfigMap keycloak-env which can be found in configmap.yaml.

To change the passwords, edit the *_PASSWORD variables in the Secret keycloak-secret, which can be found in secret.yaml. The passwords/secrets need to be base64 encoded (example echo -n YOUR_PASSWORD | base64 -w0).


  • Username (KEYCLOAK_USER): keycloak
  • Password (KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD): keycloak123


  • Username (KEYCLOAK_MGMT_USER): keycloak
  • Password (KEYCLOAK_MGMT_PASSWORD): keycloak123

Postgres (Example)

See postgres.yaml env vars for username and password.


Environment variables

The environment variables can be set in the statefulset.yaml.

Name Description Default
POSTGRES_HOST Postgres Database address postgres
POSTGRES_PORT Postgres Database port 5432
POSTGRES_DATABASE Postgres Database name keycloak
POSTGRES_USER Postgres Database user keycloak
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Postgres Database password password
PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING Enable proxy in front of Keycloak JBoss false
KEYCLOAK_LOGLEVEL Set Keycloak log level INFO
KEYCLOAK_USER First Keycloak user username (no management access) ``
KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD First Keycloak user password (no management access) ``
KEYCLOAK_MGMT_USER Management user username ``
KEYCLOAK_MGMT_PASSWORD Management user password ``
KEYCLOAK_OWNERS_COUNT The cache/sessions infiniband owner/"replica" count (should be replicas count) 2
BASE_SCRIPT_DIR DON'T change unless you know what you are doing /scripts
MY_POD_IP The Pod IP Kubernetes Downward API status.podIP

Exposing to the outside

An appropiate Ingress can be found here: ingress.yaml.

The service which exposes Keycloak HTTP port only is named keycloak-external.

Upgrade procedure

NOTE This procedure has not been tested to work in "100%" cases!

NOTE This procedure has been tested with a replicas of 2 deployment of Keycloak.

Without migrations

Update the image tag in the StatefulSet and replace (kubectl replace) the StatefulSet. That is it. The Pods should one by one get recreated with the image.

With migrations

WARNING This procedure only needs to be done only when new migrations are added to the bin/migrate-standalone-ha.cli file (which can be found in the release tarball of Keycloak)!

WARNING This only needs to be done in one Pod!

Update the image tag in the StatefulSet, replace (kubectl replace) the StatefulSet, wait for the highest count Pod to get terminated and started again, immediately run the following command in the highest count Keycloak Pod:

kubectl exec --namespace default -it keycloak-1 -- bash -c 'cd /opt/jboss && bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=bin/migrate-standalone-ha.cli'

(Where keycloak-1 would be the highest count Pod, for example for replicas: 10, it is keycloak-9)

After the successfull run of the exec, you need to delete the Pod you execed into.