
Description Build a Excel Clone with features :- Properties Like Bold, Italic, underLine, TextColor, BGColor, etc can be applied to each cell (Two-Way Binding). Formula evalutaion In Case the formula detects the cycle, an alert message will pop - up. Implemented cycle detection algorithm using DFS to detect the cycle. (Graph Algo Implemented). Cyclic Path Can Be Traced using certain colors. Multiple Sheet Can be added as well as Removed. Can Cut, Copy & Paste Values in a range of cells. Can Download as well as upload sheets. git hub account link

Technologies Stack: HTML CSS Javascript Insights 2D Array of objects is used for storing cells and sheets data. Cycle Detection in formula is detected by using dfs. Google Material Icons is used. Various DOM events such as click, blur, etc are used. How to install Clone the project onto your local machine. Open index.html file in browser. That's it now your own excel is ready for use.