
This bundle handles the integration of File Manager and Image Manager plugins inside TinyMCE

Primary LanguagePHP

Elao MceMedia Bundle : Description

This bundle handles the integration of File Manager and Image Manager plugins inside TinyMCE

We added as an extra feature an input of type asset that is linked to the Image Manager. What's that ?

It adds next to the text input, an extra button to upload any image to the Image Manager. Once the upload is done, a preview of the image is shown.

Once the form is saved, it stores the image path.

Download & Install

Via composer:

// composer.json
    // ...
    "require": {
        // ...
        "elao/mce-media-bundle": "dev-master"

Update your composer.phar:

$ php composer.phar update

Include it in your Kernel class:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Elao\Bundle\MceMediaBundle\ElaoMceMediaBundle(),

How to use the asset field ?

First, you must include the js file /bundles/elaomcemedia/js/input_asset.js, the TinyMCE script, and the file tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/

Then you just need to transform your text input into an asset input:

<script type="text/javascript">

Different configurations are available for the field:

  • delete_image: The delete icon
  • delete_label: The delete label that appears when hovering the delete_image
  • pick_up_image: The icon to open the Image Manager plugin
  • pick_up_label: The label that is shown when hovering the pick_up_image
  • image_size: The size of the preview image

Authenticator for Image Manager & File Manager

We need to modify the file /tinymce/plugins/imagemanger/config.php or/and /tinymce/plugins/filemanger/config.php

'authenticator' = ExternalAuthenticator
'ExternalAuthenticator.external_auth_url' = /_tinymce/login
'ExternalAuthenticator.secret_key' = someSecretKey

Configuration under Symfony

# config.yml
    is_login: false # Default nobody has access to the manager, but if true, the role is ignored
    role: ROLE_ADMIN # The role that the user must have in order to access to the manager
    secret_key: someSecretKey
        my.key: value

# routing.yml
    resource: @ElaoMceMediaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml

Things to configure with the application