
Repository containing the code for reproduce the experiment for AIT's AT82.05 Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Understanding

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Jirasak Buranathawornsom st122162
Saratoon Khantasima st122149
Pasit Tiwawongrut st122442


Survey on improving Few-shot Learning for Intent Detection
Intent Detection is a text classification task used in chat-bots and intelligent dialogue systems. The model will be used to detect intent from user’s statement. One of the main problem is most system do not have many dataset for training. Thus, in this project we will focus on training models for intent detection with the few-shot dataset.


Banking77: https://huggingface.co/datasets/banking77



This model is created base on Fine-grained Post-training for Improving Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems paper.
For the pretrained model, it can download from https://github.com/hanjanghoon/BERT_FP.



Infersent is an universal sentence encoder from Meta AI. In this experiment, we use it as an sentences encoder for classification.
All the data will be encoded by Infersent, then we pass the dataset into classification layer.
All the required setup is based on https://github.com/facebookresearch/InferSent.



DeCLUTR is an universal sentence encoder that was trained using self-supervised method which does not require labelled training data and it has achieve about the same performance as that of the one using supervised method. more information can be found on https://github.com/JohnGiorgi/DeCLUTR

Code directory

Folder Experiment 1 contains the following

  • final.ipynb : IPYNB file to reproduce Experiment 1 (Calibration of few-shot "in-context" learning). The source code comes from https://github.com/tonyzhaozh/few-shot-learning.
  • data_utils.py: the file that helps loading the datasets in data folder.
  • final_results.xlsx : The excel file containing the accuracy from the experiment.
  • saved_results folder contains the results saved in pickle format.

Folder Experiment 2&3 contains the following

  • Experiment 2&3.ipynb: IPYNB file to reproduce Experiment 2 (Except Infersent & BERT-FP Model) and Experiment 3
  • Folder Experiment 2 Infersent&BERT-FP: Contain the IPYNB files to reproduce Infersent & BERT-FP Model in Experiment 2
  • Folder Experiment 3 Visualiztion: Contain csv result from Experiment 2&3.ipynb (Experiment 3, particularly) and IPYNB to reproduce the plot in the presentation

Model comparision accuracy

Banking77 5 shot accuracy

5shot result

Banking77 10 shot accuracy

10shot result