- 0
[Bug]:AttributeError: module 'torchtune.utils' has no attribute 'metric_logging'
#579 opened by zhoufy20 - 0
[Request]: Is there more detailed introduction or example of Query panels combined plot?
#577 opened by Neronjust2017 - 0
[Bug]: Optimize_Hugging_Face_models_with_Weights_&_Biases.ipynb uses deprecated WANDB_LOG_MODEL=true
#572 opened by travis-the-dragon - 3
- 1
- 1
[Bug]: validation DataLoader on PointNet++ example
#444 opened by lposti - 5
[Bug]: examples/keras/keras-cnn-fashion -> `cannot import name 'tune' from 'wandb.sweeps.config'.`
#152 opened by ash0ts - 2
Version of keras-cv being used in this tutorial
#425 opened by samuellukudu - 1
[Bug]: RayTune examples are outdated because of changes in wandb and cannot run
#411 opened by fantauzzi - 1
- 8
[Request]: Time Series Example in TensorFlow/Keras
#391 opened by lucifertrj - 4
[Request]: Catboost!
#356 opened by gaceladri - 1
- 0
[Bug]: YOLOv5 pinned to old wandb
#288 opened by tcapelle - 2
- 2
- 9
[Request]: Sweeps in mmdetection
#237 opened by David-Biggs - 2
colabs/spacy/SpaCy_v3_and_W&B.ipynb takes to long
#124 opened by tcapelle - 2
- 0
[Bug]: Link broken on Pytorch Dropout collab
#220 opened by tcapelle - 2
- 1
- 2
[Bug]: Python Train Sweep Doesn't Log
#194 opened by zanussbaum - 0
- 0
HF nb colab badge broken
#207 opened by tcapelle - 4
- 4
#126 opened by tcapelle - 1
`colabs/pytorch-lightning/Fine_tuning_a_Transformer_with_Pytorch_Lightning.ipynb` too slow
#127 opened by tcapelle - 1
`colabs/datasets-predictions/Logging_Timbre_Transfer_with_W&B.ipynb` dependencies error
#132 opened by tcapelle - 0
- 2
`colabs/stable_baselines3/Stable Baselines 3 - Track Experiments with Weights and Biases.ipynb` import error
#130 opened by tcapelle - 3
`colabs/pycaret/Default_Credit_Prediction_Using_W&B_Pycaret_FastAPI.ipynb` fails to run
#134 opened by tcapelle - 4
- 3
[Bug]: `colabs/datasets-predictions/Image_Classification_with_Tables.ipynb` Preview is broken
#154 opened by ash0ts - 1
- 5
[Bug]: Running `examples/colabs/spacy/spaCy_v3_and_W&B_Sweeps.ipynb` raises `CommError: project not found`
#136 opened by ash0ts - 1
`colabs/yolo/Train_and_Debug_YOLOv5_Models_with_Weights_&_Biases.ipynb` fails to run
#131 opened by tcapelle - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
[Bug] Optimize Pytorch-Lightning models with Weights & Biases.ipynb is not running on colab
#114 opened by tcapelle - 3
- 9
DDP example is not calling .finish in either log_all nor log with lead worker (rank0)
#88 opened by brando90 - 3
- 1
wandb: ERROR Can't save model, h5py returned error: Layer ModuleWrapper has arguments in `__init__` and therefore must override `get_config`.
#86 opened by Haebuk - 5
- 28
Why isn't wandb logging at the last iteration? (when I want to log figs, ckpts etc)
#89 opened by brando90 - 2
- 6
pytorch lightning multi gpu wandb sweep example
#84 opened by tobiascz - 1
Single value in yaml not passed as argument
#85 opened by beabevi