
extract gpu usage across the teams

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Extract gpu usage across the teams.



Directory Structure of this Repository

├── README.md 
├── check-dashboard  # for monitoring cron
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── check_dashboard.py
│   ├── config.yaml 
│   └── requirements.txt
├── gpu-dashboard  # for cron
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── GpuUsage.py
│   ├── blacklist
│   ├── blank_table.py
│   ├── config.py
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── fetch_runs.py
│   ├── handle_artifacts.py 
│   ├── remove_tags.py
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├── run.py
│   ├── update_blacklist.py  
│   └── update_tables.py
└── image
    └── gpu-dashboard.drawio.png

Local Environment Setup

Execute below command in both check-dashboard directory and gpu-dashboard directory.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate  
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

AWS Environment Setup

Account Provisioning & Permissions

Get an AWS account from the administrator and grant access permissions to the following services in IAM:

  • AWSBatch
  • CloudWatch
  • EC2
  • ECS
  • ECR
  • EventBridge
  • IAM
  • VPC

AWS CLI Configuration

Create a user for AWS CLI in IAM. Grant access permissions to the following services:

  • ECR

Click on the created user, note down the following strings in the Access key tab:

  • Access key ID
  • Secret access key

Execute the following command in the local Terminal to log in to AWS.

$ aws configure

AWS Access Key ID [None]: Access key ID
# Enter  
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Secret access key
# Enter
Default region name [None]: blank
# Enter
Default output format [None]: blank  
# Enter

After the configuration is completed, execute the following command to check the connection. If successful, the file list of s3 will be output.

$ aws s3 ls

Reference: 【AWS】How to set up aws cli

Deploying Periodic Execution Programs


Creating Repositories

  • Go to Amazon ECR > Private registry > Repositories
  • Click on Create repository
  • Enter any repository name in Repository name (e.g. geniac-gpu)
  • Click Create repository

Pushing Images

  • Click on the created repository name
  • Click on View push commands
  • Execute the 4 commands displayed in the local Terminal in order
# Example commands  
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 111122223333.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com
$ docker build -t geniac-gpu .
$ docker tag geniac-gpu:latest 111122223333.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/geniac-gpu:latest
$ docker push 111122223333.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/geniac-gpu:latest  

Since commands are uniquely determined by the repository, it's easy to deploy from the second time onward by writing the above commands in a shell script.

Perform the above procedure in both the gpu-dashboard directory and the check-dashboard directory.


  • Go to Virtual Private Cloud > Your VPCs
  • Click on Create VPC
  • Select VPC and more from Resources to create
  • Click on Create VPC


  • Go to IAM > Roles
  • Click on Create role
  • Configure Use case settings
    • Select Elastic Container Service for Service
    • Select Elastic Container Service Task for Use case
  • Select AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly and CloudWatchLogsFullAccess in Permissions policies
  • Click Next
  • Enter ecsTaskExecutionRole in Role name
  • Click Create role


Creating Clusters

  • Go to Amazon Elastic Container Service > Clusters
  • Click on Create cluster
  • Enter any cluster name in Cluster name
  • Click on Create

Task Definition

  • Go to Amazon Elastic Container Service > Task Definitions
  • Click on Create new Task Definition, then click on Create new Task Definition
  • Enter any task definition family name in Task definition family
  • Change CPU and Memory in Task size as needed
  • Select ecsTaskExecutionRole in Task role
  • Configure Container - 1 settings
    • Enter the pushed repository name and image URI in ECR in Container details
    • Set Resource allocation limits appropriately according to the Task size
  • Click Add environment variable in Environment variables - Optional and add the following:
    • Key: WANDB_API_KEY
    • Value: {Your WANDB_API_KEY}
  • Click Create

Perform the above procedure in both the gpu-dashboard directory and the check-dashboard directory.

Creating Tasks

  • Go to Amazon Elastic Container Service > Clusters > {Cluster name} > Scheduled tasks
  • Click on Create
  • Enter any rule name in Scheduled rule name
  • Select cron expression from Scheduled rule type
  • Enter an appropriate expression in cron expression
    • Since this UI requires input in UTC time, cron(15 15 * * ? *) corresponds to 0:15 a.m. Japan time.
  • Enter any target ID in Target ID
  • Select the task definition from Task definition family
  • Select VPC and subnet in Networking
  • If there is no existing security group in Security groups, select Create new security group and create a security group
  • Click on Create

Perform the above procedure in both the gpu-dashboard directory and the check-dashboard directory.


Local Environment Setup

Execute the following command to set up the python environment for the periodic execution script. It's good to create a file called debug.ipynb for debugging.
By editing config.yaml, you can reduce the impact on the production environment.

$ cd gpu-dashboard
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate

Similarly, execute the following command to set up the python environment for the periodic execution check script. It's also good to create a file called debug.ipynb in this directory for debugging.

$ cd check-dashboard
$ python3 -m venv .venv 
$ . .venv/bin/activate

How to Check Logs

  • Go to CloudWatch > Log groups in AWS
  • Click on /ecs/{Task definition name}
  • Click on the log stream to check the logs


Update Blacklist

If you forget to add the ignore_tag during regular execution, runs will continue to be counted towards GPU usage. To exclude them from the calculation, add the tag and run the script.

$ cd gpu-dashboard
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ python3 update_blacklist.py

Program Processing Procedure

  • Fetch latest data
    • Set target_date
    • Create a list of companies
    • Get projects for each company [Public API]
    • Get runs for each project [Private API]
      • Filter by target_date and tags
    • Detect and alert runs that call wanb.init multiple times on the same instance
    • Get system metrics for each run [Public API]
    • Aggregate by run id x date
  • Update data
    • Get csv up to yesterday from Artifacts
    • Concat latest data and save to Artifacts
    • Filter run ids
  • Aggregation
    • Aggregate overall
    • Aggregate monthly
    • Aggregate daily company
  • Update tables
    • Reset latest tag
    • Output tables