
Should we use the same email and username for both local and public cloud instances?

zhuoqun-chen opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi wandb team,

I know this is a quite trivial question, but I didn't seem other posts that had similar questions so I just ask here.

If I use the same email, same username to sign up for my local server instance, will it have bad effects on my public cloud credentials? Is it possible that once I use it to login locally, I can't send my experiment logs to the public cloud anymore?

Hi @zhuoqun-chen, great question! The database of your local instance is completely independent of the public cloud one so there are no restrictions about using the same email/username in both instances. The API key is unique for each one so you will have different credentials (actually one starts with local-). Please let me know if that's helpful!

Hi @luisbergua, thank you for the quick reply! Very informative and solved my problem.